Had ya goin’ there for a minute didn’t I? Although, a plaid tuxedo does exist. Check it out, it’s actually kinda cool. I styled the pants a little bit differently this time and liked them much better. Sadly though, I don’t know how much I’m going to wear them. By the time I got to work it looked like I was wearing a big ball of dryer lint instead of pants. And I didn’t wear my fur coat over them this time. Any little bit of lint or hair floating in the atmosphere is immediately attracted to these pants. I was attracting lint from as far away as Neptune. I kid you not. I had Neptunian lint on my pants. Fortunately I had a lint roller with me, but having to roll them several times in a day makes them just a little bit too high maintenance for me. On the bright side, I do so love this sweatshirt that I was at least happy on the top half all day. And half happy is better than no happy. Oh, and one more thing. Look at my feet. Shoes, people, shoes! I couldn’t take it anymore so I wore my warm woolies to work and then switched into these. So I guess that means I was three quarters happy today. (I know. I could do that everyday, but usually the overwhelming need for warmth trumps the need for my shoes!)
Linking up with: Spotlight Weekly Link Up, What I Wore To Work, Tres Chic Fashion Link Up, and Three-fer Thursday.