GAP / jacket / JCPenney / jeans / moto jacket / style tips / sweater / The Deal Cottage / wrap

Plaid Wrap & Fur Lined Sneakers: Of Christmas Trees & Bras

plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers

The time had come for us to go on the hunt for a new Christmas tree…


…yes, we have an artificial tree. While the authenticity of a real tree is nice, my husband is highly allergic to pine and I prefer artificial trees anyway. The tree that we currently have has been around for far longer than it should have been. Christmas trees are kind of like bras in my opinion; you know that you need a new one but you kind of hate spending the money on it. But after you get a new one you’re like, “Wow, why did I wait so long? My girls ornaments look fabulous!”

Like I said, our tree has seen better days, way better days. It currently looks like it survived some tragic pine tree plague, a forest fire and maybe a family of turkey vultures nesting in it. Um, there literally were mice nesting in it at one point, but ya, moving on.  This time around we bought a pencil tree and I’m actually kind of super excited to put it up. We’ve always thought a pencil tree would be cool, but never felt like investing in one. See how motivating a family of nesting turkey vultures can be? The sad thing is, there will have to be a culling of the ornaments. I like me a nice overloaded with ornaments kind of tree, and since the old tree was a beast I own a veritable plethora of ornaments and lights. Since my son and his boyfriend have grown up lives with a house and dogs and their very own Christmas tree, maybe it’s time for mama to pass down his childhood ornaments. Although in light of the fact mama is tearing up just writing that, maybe she should just get rid of all of the filler ornaments…


Even though I live in the frozen tundra northern part of Pennsylvania where outer wear is a requirement a good part of the year, I honestly never put a lot of thought into it until the last year or so. Coats were for warmth, not style. That’s just silly. Once it gets breezy outside, your coats are what people see the most of so why not put some thought into them? And why not get more use out of your lighter weight jackets by layering them? This outfit isn’t on it’s own particularly blog-worthy. Yes, it’s cozy and comfortable, but not exactly something to light the sartorial world on fire. This particular look is all about the outer wear (and the shoes, which I’ll get to in a minute).


The moto jacket is one of those staple pieces that works with most anything and it added some interest on it’s own. But add this genius plaid wrap complete with a toggle fastener and hood (yes, I said it has a hood) and now you’re talking outfit awesomeness. The plaid wrap was also necessary for practical reasons; it was freakin’ cold outside and that moto jacket just wasn’t gonna do the job. I can tell you right now, the wrap will be seeing a lot of use this winter. Both layered over and under coats and jackets.

Now for these delicious sneakers. Delicious? Yes, my friends, delicious. They are completely and totally lined with faux fur. It’s like the lovechild of a pair of Bearpaw boots and Converse sneakers. They are so soft and warm and bad ass that I just might not take them off. To tell the truth, I had them on pretty much all weekend. The nice thing is, they also fold up and you can lace them completely up if you don’t want the explosion of fur showing. I’ve worn them both ways and they’re fab either way. What’s even more fab? They’re on sale for 30% off at JCPenney as we speak. You might wanna check that out…


Once cold weather hits, view your outerwear as part of your outfit. And keep in mind, layers are always a good thing even when it comes to outerwear.


Think denim or moto jacket layered with a faux fur vest or plaid wrap/blanket scarf; or long wool coat layered with a wrap or denim vest. Layers aren’t just for under your coat, layers over your coat add a whole new level of cool to your look.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers fur lined sneakers plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers plaid wrap, moto jacket, fur lined sneakers

Wrap: The Deal Cottage (Similar, Similar);  Sneakers: JCPenney;  Moto Jacket: JCpenney (Similar) Jeans: GAP

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8 years ago

I love your plaid, and that moto jacket is fab as well!

Red Tag Chic Los Angeles
8 years ago

Can’t get enough of those cozy sneaks – Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


8 years ago

Oh, yes .. those sneakers ARE delicious .. I love how they fold down. Think I’ll take a looks see at my local JCP this weekend 🙂


Linda A Cassidy
8 years ago

loving the plaid the best and can I say the hair looks fantastic

8 years ago

I love your plaid layered over the moto jacket! Those sneakers are so cute and look so warm!

Doused In Pink

8 years ago

Love the cape and yes those sneakers are delicious! xo


8 years ago

You look so festive and gorgeous! Thank you so much for linking up with me on Wednesday’s Wearables! I always love seeing your style! Happy Thanksgiving!

8 years ago

Love the plaid, the delicious sneakers look so cozy, specially in PA, and sweet moto jacket. I agree with the artificial trees, we have one as hubby has allergies, and I am paranoid about fires We have a ton of ornaments as well!
Have a great Holiday!
Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Loving the plaid cape! I would style this over a dress for a holiday party! It has the perfect colors

Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Sneaker envy – fur lined? YES for toasty feet! Love the tartan wrap – bright, warm colours. Your analogy of Christmas trees and bras just cracked me up!

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