Yes, this is a fashion blog and I am a fashion blogger. But that’s not all that I am…
…I’m also the mother of a gay son. Two gay sons actually because I love my boy’s fiance like he is my own. The fact that my son is gay does not define who he is. It is simply one aspect that is part of a wonderful human being. A human being whom I love with every piece of my heart and soul. I have known that he was gay ever since he was a tiny little person; probably before he knew. And do you know what? That was an irrelevant detail to those of us who love him. It was as irrelevant as it is that my other children are straight. It was not his choice to be gay, it was simply part of who he was at birth. And no. That is not open for debate.
Obviously, the impetus behind this post is Orlando. I do not have the words to impart to you the sadness I feel in my heart. All senseless acts of terrorism and mass killings force us to pause and feel pain, sadness and hurt for those affected. Because truly, when something like this occurs it affects the entire human race. But when one of these heinous and deplorable acts, for any number of reasons, hits closer to home the sadness we feel is deeper. Such is the case for Orlando with me. Each and every one of the victims was someone’s son or daughter. Someone’s son or daughter who was simply living their life. Someone’s son or daughter who left home that night to simply have a fun evening with friends. Someone’s son or daughter who simply wanted to love who they were born to love. And now they are simply gone. Because of the hatred and ugliness of one individual. Because of intolerance to differences that are inherent to the human experience.
The night after the shooting, on his show, Stephen Colbert said that our responses to tragedies such as this have become scripted; we know what the president will say, what both political parties will say, what the gun manufacturers will say. He said, and I quote, “It’s easy, it’s almost tempting to be paralyzed by such a monstrously hateful act. To despair and say, ‘Well, that’s the way the world is now. Well, I don’t know what to do,” Colbert said. “But I do know that despair is a victory for hate. Hate wants us to be too weak to change anything. Now, these people in Orlando were apparently targeted because of who they love. And there have been outpourings of love throughout the country and around the world. Love in response to hate. Love does not despair. Love makes us strong. Love gives us the courage to act. Love gives us hope that change is possible. Love allows us to change the script. So, love your country. Love your family, love the families of the victims of the people of Orlando, but let us remember that love is a verb and ‘to love’ means to do something.” Powerful words don’t you think?
When thinking about what it is that we, as individuals, can do it seems an overwhelming and impossible task. But then I realized, that while it may just be one drop in the bucket, by simply advocating for tolerance and acceptance of others and their differences no matter what those differences may be we are doing something. If something I say gives even one person pause for thought, then perhaps I have made a difference. I have done something. If each and every one of us steps up and speaks up when we witness bigotry, racism, homophobia, bullying…then our one voice becomes an entire chorus of voices; an entire chorus of voices that demands to be heard. And that is how we, as individuals, can use love as a verb.
Quite honestly, the outfit isn’t the focal point of today’s post. The message is. And my pride tank top that I purchased from the Human Rights Campaign says it all without saying a word. I wear it often, and dare I say, I wear it with pride. I kept it simple by pairing it with cropped joggers and a pair of wedge sandals. And as I’ve said before, a kimono pretty much fancies up anything.
No style tip today, but a tip nonetheless. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, be bold. Be outspoken. Be brave. Be the difference in the world.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Pride Tank Top: Human Rights Campaign; Joggers: Similar; Sandals: JustFab (Similar); Kimono: Thrifted (Similar)