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Printed Culottes & Fringe Sandals: The Childbirth Pain Scale

Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.

The foot surgery has officially come and gone…


…The surgery was Tuesday morning and today is Saturday. Although I’m still sporting my pj’s, at least today I feel somewhat human again. I’m still in pain, but it is thankfully now manageable and I’m thinking that plain old ibuprofen might do the trick.  Yesterday only three pain pills were necessary which is a huge improvement over the previous three days when I was popping those suckers like M&M’s. Point of interest that you may want to tuck away for future reference: two side effects of Percocet are all over itching and excessive sweating. Ya, I wasn’t aware of that. Now I am. And I mean itching as in you want to claw off your own flesh. And the excessive sweating is pure joy especially when you already have hot flashes. Like I said, just something to keep in mind for future reference.

On the bright side, the surgeon did not have to do as much repair work to my foot as she thought she would. She removed the bunion and shortened the tendon between my toes, but didn’t have to cut the bone to realign the toe. Even though less work was done then expected, there were moments that the pain was so excruciating that it was comparable to birthing a human. That my friends is how I rate all pain; on the childbirth scale. It’s a much more scientific way to rate pain than the standard scale of 1 to 10, in my opinion. And more realistic too. Since giving birth, I have never encountered pain quite like that. Until now. It was seriously not fun.


Yes, I am as surprised as some of you may be. I have finally, after all of these years, ventured into culottes territory. While it’s true these are closer to cropped wide leg pants, they are for me, beginner culottes. For some reason I have had an aversion to them since a particularly tragic pair that I owned in the sixth grade. I was actually pretty happy with them once I wore them. They’re comfortable and they make a nice alternative to skirts or long pants.

I figured now was as good a time as any since I would need pants that are easy to slip on and off over the foot. I’ve accumulated several pairs recently so don’t be surprised when they show up again. This particular pair of printed culottes I found at Target when the mini and I went shopping a few weeks back. I was immediately drawn to the colors and the cool boho vibe of the print. I’ve linked similar pairs below, but unfortunately these were nowhere to be found on the Target site. I went the easy route here with the black tee and belt, although I threw it off with brown sandals as opposed to black for two reasons. One, I just really like the look of brown and black together, it seems a little unexpected I guess. And two, I can’t find my black fringe sandals…I know they’re lurking around here somewhere, but at this point they are still MIA.


Keep an open mind in regard to fashion choices. Even a piece you swore that you’d never ever wear might turn out to be something that you love. And if not, that’s okay too. That’s the beauty of clothes, they aren’t permanent. You can try new things with very minimal risk. If you don’t like it, then you don’t have to wear it, but on the flip side, you might discover something new to add to your style repertoire.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt. Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt. Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.Print culottes, fringe sandals and black tee shirt.

Pants: Target;  Tee: Stylemint (Similar);  Sandals: Payless (Similar)

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Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Debbie, I’m so glad your surgery went well and is over! My hubby and I were just discussing that whole pain scale thing the other day. It is so relative! I was in the hospital last weekend passing a kidney stone. They kept asking how bad the pain was and I said a 9 because how the heck do I know if there is a pain out there worse than passing a kidney stone. Ha, ha. Childbirth was pretty painful, but so was passing the stone. It’s all so silly. I have never been a big fan of culottes, but… Read more »

7 years ago

I like your pants! And, yes, it’s always a good idea to keep an open mind! I’m often judging clothes on the hanger and don’t give certain pieces a change. I really should change that…

I’m glad that the surgery went well and that the pain is getting better. I have gallstones and had a couple flareups and the only thing I could compare the pain to was also childbirth. I hope the pain will continue to improve as quickly as possible!

7 years ago


Glad the surgery is over and yes childbirth has less pain than foot surgery.
I had blown my right ankle tendons out playing tennis and spent 3 months on a scooter.
I remember vividly the surgery and will never run or play tennis again.
We have short term memory loss for childbirth and I gave birth 4 times.
Yes fashion does recycle itself.
Your culottes look more like MC Hammer pants and I really like them. Im also a fan of culottes!

Feel better!

7 years ago

Glad you are done with the surgery and that the pain is lessening. Best wishes on a quick recovery! Love this outfit. I like the simple styling and yes, the a brown sandals add interest since they are unexpected . I have been dubious about culottes but these are really cute. Maybe, just maybe, I will try a pair.

Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

So glad you’re starting to feel human again, Debbie!! Although the stories you come up with regarding anything in life are fun to read—just sayin’!
I totally know what you mean about keeping an open mind regarding the styles! I’m just waiting for the day that it’s modern to be matchy matchy again, and my mom is going to be in her glory (if she hasn’t kicked the bucket first!!) We argue about this almost every time we take photos for the blog, LOL!!

Nancy Baten
7 years ago

Well at least that is over but its awfull that you are still in so much pain. But it s getting better, I am glad for you! And what an awfull side effects! I bought culottes for the first time a few years ago and couldn t get used to it. But then I tried it again and bought another pair and I wore it so very often! And this week I bought another pair! Love how you styled yours without a simple black tee. I think black is beautiful in your face especially with the beautiful color of your… Read more »

7 years ago

Bravo for trying new things – and you look fab in these culottes. So glad your surgery is over, and I am sending you thoughts for a peaceful recovery. Thanks for linking up, xox


Suzy Turner
7 years ago

I’m so happy to hear your surgery went really well, and that it was less ‘invasive’ that previously thought. Sorry to hear that the pain was THAT intense though, but at least it’s lessening now.
I’ve never been a huge fan of culottes myself, although I did buy a pair of denim ones a couple of years ago which I do like. Yours look really fun, I think it’s because of the ‘slit’ up the sides which add some fun and flair to the outfit.
You look fabulous, as always!
Suzy xx

Anna Parkes
7 years ago

I’m pleased to hear that you’re on the mend Debbie. Pain is so different for each of us, isn’t it? My son recently spent an entire weekend rowing in the World Championships Gig racing with a dislocated finger which has now been pinned back into place. He thought it was a bit painful at the time, but had no idea how severe the damage was. Your culottes are fab and will be so versatile, great for the summer ahead. I have a love/hate relationship with them depending on which pair I’m trying to style. I love the colour of your… Read more »

Emma Peach
7 years ago

You look great in the culottes! I love the side splits on them, and they work really well with the brown sandals. Good to hear that the surgery went well and the pain is now under control.

Emma xxx

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