I’m calling today “Quiet Friday” because I don’t have much to say today. Oh, it’s not that I don’t have a good story or two up my sleeve, it’s just that I’m in a mood. You know what I mean. Those moods where you’re a complete crabasorous rex and everything just seems to irritate you? You feel like your hair is a hot mess, your clothes all look hideous and you just want to curl up under a blanket and alternate between pouting and napping. Well, I’ve been in that kinda mood for the last couple of days. So today we’re just going to focus on the pictures. Speaking of which, this particular outfit was on hold from a couple of weeks ago. I chose to use it today because when I loaded yesterday’s outfit shots on to the computer I discovered that apparently a truly frightening looking demon had taken up residence in my Canon and replaced me in all of the shots. Honest, I’m not having a pity party, but they really were some God-awful photos.
This is one of those outfits where I chose one dressy item (the skirt) and paired it with casual pieces on top (the tee and cardi). Thus the two balanced one another out and made one fine work appropriate outfit. That’s one of my favorite things to do; taking clothing that one would expect to be worn in a specific way and giving it a unique twist to make it work in an unexpected way.
I’ve teamed up with a group of fabulous bloggers to bring you a sweet little giveaway. I mean seriously, who couldn’t use a $50 Amazon gift card? Entering is easy. Simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter below and you’re good to go. It runs from today through January 23rd. Good luck!
Linking up with: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Fashionomics Friday, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style, Passion For Fashion Link Up, Favorite Fashion Friday, Fashion Cache Friday.