graphic tee / gray cardigan / layered necklaces / Nordstrom / Old Navy / PacSun / sequin skirt / Walmart

Quiet Friday And A $50 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway: Sequin Skirt, Graphic Tee And Gray Cardigan

     I’m calling today “Quiet Friday” because I don’t have much to say today. Oh, it’s not that I don’t have a good story or two up my sleeve, it’s just that I’m in a mood. You know what I mean. Those moods where you’re a complete crabasorous rex and everything just seems to irritate you? You feel like your hair is a hot mess, your clothes all look hideous and you just want to curl up under a blanket and alternate between pouting and napping. Well, I’ve been in that kinda mood for the last couple of days. So today we’re just going to focus on the pictures. Speaking of which, this particular outfit was on hold from a couple of weeks ago. I chose to use it today because when I loaded yesterday’s outfit shots on to the computer I discovered that apparently a truly frightening looking demon had taken up residence in my Canon and replaced me in all of the shots. Honest, I’m not having a pity party, but they really were some God-awful photos.
     This is one of those outfits where I chose one dressy item (the skirt) and paired it with casual pieces on top (the tee and cardi). Thus the two balanced one another out and made one fine work appropriate outfit. That’s one of my favorite things to do; taking clothing that one would expect to be worn in a specific way and giving it a unique twist to make it work in an unexpected way.
     I’ve teamed up with a group of fabulous bloggers to bring you a sweet little giveaway. I mean seriously, who couldn’t use a $50 Amazon gift card? Entering is easy. Simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter below and you’re good to go. It runs from today through January 23rd. Good luck!

Linking up with:  Welcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesFashionomics FridayFashion Friday At Mummy’s Got StylePassion For Fashion Link UpFavorite Fashion FridayFashion Cache Friday.

Skirt: Nordstrom (No longer available);  Tee: Old Navy (No longer available);  Cardigan: Walmart (Old);  Booties: PacSun (In-store purchase)
**And now for the Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!
Are you a blogger who wants to participate in giveaways like these to grow your blog? Click here to find out how you can join a totally awesome group of bloggers!”

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

I have seen this gorgeous sequined floral pencil skirt on so many bloggers and I lover it. Wish I owned it. Love your casual styling of it. Love those booties. I am currently wearing identical ones in olive green!
10 years ago

I love the skirt!
Melanie @

10 years ago

I thought I was the only irritable person to have such moods… Cute skirt, btw.

Michelle Orsi
10 years ago

Your skirt & top are so fun! Love the look!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I love this skirt, the gold and silver print is so pretty! And yes, Fabulous, have a great weekend,
from the link up,
please stop by, jess xx

mummy's got style
10 years ago

You are fabulous Debbie! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

Shauna C
10 years ago

Love. Love that top!! 🙂


Julie McQueen
10 years ago
Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

You do the sequins so well!


Mica T
10 years ago

That is such a lovely statement skirt! You’ve dressed it down nicely with the tee and cardi 🙂

I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend and feel better soon! 🙂

Away From The Blue
2015 Wardrobe Inventory Linkup

10 years ago

You are wearing my dream skirt styled JUST right!!!!!!!


Mary Jenkins
10 years ago

You are gorgeous! This outfit smacks of rock star meets sexy librarian. I am totally feeling it!

Signe Savant
10 years ago

Hope the crabasaurus rex disappears soon! I know exactly what you mean and I know it’s not fun! I will say that you have become truly epic at mixing formal with casual! I salute you in your ability to do so!
: signe : the daily savant :
Bracelet Giveaway
Makeup Eraser Giveaway

Vicki Thompson from The Fashionable Mum
10 years ago

Looking fabulous and always inspired to change my hair colour when I visit your blog!

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