Boho Style / Work Style

Red Slip Dress & Snake Print Cardigan: A Metaphor For Life

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots

I witnessed something on Sunday evening that for me, makes the perfect metaphor for how I aspire to live my life…


…My husband and I were on a dinner date when out the window I noticed a group of people leaving the restaurant. They were all dressed casually in jeans, shorts and tee shirts. With the exception of one tiny individual.

As the group stepped from the curb to go to their vehicle, a little girl who looked to be about four years old remained. She was beautiful, and not in that “just because she’s a child” kind of way. She was truly beautiful. She had golden blonde hair piled on her head in that perfectly messy bun we all wish we could achieve, but that only a little girl who has played hard all day can actually achieve.

She was wearing this simple yet gorgeous ivory colored dress. The top half looked like a stretchy tank top that gave way to a floaty chiffon skirt at the bottom, no print or adornment at all…it almost looked like a practice outfit for ballet class. It was finished off with a pair of plain white sneakers. Was she a girl after my own heart or what?

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots

She stood on the curb for a moment surveying the world like it was her kingdom. Finally she stepped off the curb, but then hesitated and turned around looking at the ground. Then she knelt down, I thought maybe she had dropped something. But no, she hadn’t.

She rose back up with two handfuls of dead mowed grass and parking lot dirt clutched in her little fists. She then proceeded to throw it all into the air over her head like she had just found a secret stash of magical pixie dust. She twirled around as it rained down on her, giggling with her sweet little chiffon skirt floating around her.

All of this occurred in a matter of seconds, but it was one of those moments that literally took my breath away. I couldn’t even open my mouth to say anything to my husband so that he could look because I was so caught up in the magic of it. Undoubtedly without even realizing it, that little girl embodied the secrets to life. Here’s what I took away from that brief moment in time:

  • Wear your prettiest dress whenever you want to. Even if you’re just going to the store. Every single day is an event.
  • The secret to a perfectly messy updo is to play hard and not give a single damn what your hair looks like.
  • View your world as if it were your kingdom, because in reality it is.
  • Make the best of every minute that you have available to you.
  • It’s all in your perception…even dirt can become magical pixie dust if you’re looking at it through the right lens.
  • Giggle…just out of the pure joy of being alive. And if you’re wearing a twirl-worthy skirt, don’t waste the opportunity.
  • Never ever underestimate the power of a good pair of white sneakers with your prettiest girly-girl dress.

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots


Ya, ya…I know. When I wore the olive green version of this slip dress, I was sure it was the one. And technically I suppose, it still is. It’s one of those pieces that is just so damn comfortable and looks so incredible on that you know it will be in heavy rotation until it’s threadbare. BUT take that same slip dress but this time in the most insanely vivid and flattering shade of red bordering on fuschia, bordering on coral? I have no words. This is seriously a goddess level dress. Who knew a red slip dress could be so life altering? I cannot emphasize enough how much you need to have it in your life. And just in case red’s not your thing it comes in an equally bright and beautiful shade of blue.

Since it’s still “falummer” (that awkward time when the leaves are changing, but it’s still 80° outside) only a lightweight tissue cardigan and strappy ankle boots were necessary. Instead of my basic black cardigan I went with my snake print to spice things up a little bit. I added the black double-wrap belt to give the dress some shape as well as to further highlight the juicy brightness of the red. I seriously cannot wait to style this beauty with my black cropped pullover sweater, black tights and boots…with all that black to play off of the red will really be a poppin’!

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots


Don’t be afraid to add some color to your closet. You might be surprised how much color can affect not only how you look, but how you feel as well.

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots red satin slip dress-snake print cardigan-ankle boots

Dress: American Eagle;  Cardigan: H&M (Similar);  Boots: Freebird

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I just have to say that you are a fabulous story teller Debbie. I could totally see it all happening with your words!!
I couldn’t agree more to wear your fun stuff any day, any time. My husband asked me yesterday why I was so dressed up even though we were staying home, and I said, because I have a lot of cute things, and I want to wear them!!

4 years ago

I love the story of the little girl – and totally agree with what you took from it!
That pink dress is fabulous! I really love the colour
Julia x

Kellyann Rohr
4 years ago

What a beautiful story and such a great reminder to live in the moment and let our inner child rule! Darn you with this outfit – I must have it. I was on the fence about a slip dress but I think you have pushed me over and I’m in. Must have this!!!

4 years ago

What a glorious post, Debbie! Thoroughly enjoyed your story and the take aways. Thank you.

jess jannenga
4 years ago

Ive been eyeing those Freebird booties too. those are so cool! they had a 50% off sale, but alas, my size gone! I loved the story, how sweet! So important to look at those little things in life, be observant. I love the bright pink with the animal print and the boots add more edge. Looks great!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

4 years ago

Every day is an event! That’s a good one! I think every day is a little present! But what a lovely story! Coincidentally I wore leggings and a sweater at home today. I hate that, it makes me feel like a slob. What a gorgeous dress you s are wearing, I should give slip dresses a try!

Rosemary Davis
4 years ago

Love today’s story!
Everyday is special.
Thanks for the beautiful reminder to make the most of the amazing gift of our perfect present!

Distinctly Southern Style

Julie | This Main Line Life
4 years ago

This is such a pretty look on you. Love the shade of that dress.

Kimberly Malkiewicz
4 years ago

What a joy that you caught, and appreciated, the sweet moment with the little girl! Boy, we can get so focused on ourselves that we lose too many moments… I see you did need the red/coral slip dress!

4 years ago

It’s a beautiful story. It’s a great reminder to live in the moment and to enjoy every minute. Life is really full of magic and we just have to see it. I adore your red slip dress. The color is beautiful and the style is a classic.

Maureen |

Leslie Susan Clingan
4 years ago

Oh, my goodness, how I love ‘the story’. We can learn so much from children! I appreciate your wisdom – wear our favorite/best dress any time we like. Every day is an event.
I used to be the gal who saved the candles for a special occasion (that never came), wouldn’t use my perfume unless I was going on a date. Trying to get over that.

Nicole of High Latitude Style
4 years ago

Coral and leopard looks so cool. Less agressive like red and leopard. Great look.

Michele Morin
4 years ago

Loved that story about the little girl. My granddaughter loves her pretty dresses, and I love that she knows how pretty she is.

Shelbee on the Edge
4 years ago

Debbie, my dear, beautiful friend, you are killing it lately with your style and your content! Another wonderful message that actually choked me up a bit! I have been struggling with getting dressed at all these days now that I work from home, but you know what? I am gonna start wearing my prettiest clothes because every day is a special occasion! An occasion to do everything better than the day before, to live life to its fullest, to make a difference, to implement change, to shine light and love and kindness all around. Brilliant!


4 years ago

I love that story! We all need to look at the world through the eyes of that little girl! Your slipdress is gorgeous! Such a pretty color on you!

Jill – Doused in Pink

4 years ago

That leopard print cardigan is so cool! You look gorgeous hon.
Adi xx |

Jacqui Berry
4 years ago

Cute boots, they look just perfect over your dress and jacket. Thanks for sharing on the #linkup Jacqui x

monica hein
4 years ago

Love love this OOTD!Beautiful

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