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Ruffled Skirt & Graphic Tank Top: The Magic Is In The Moment

Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.

Sunday started out to be an ordinary day, just like any other. But then without warning, it became extraordinary…


…When I got around to checking my Instagram, I had a message from Target. It seems they had really liked how I had styled this gingham top and were going to use one of my images. I didn’t realize until awhile later that the image of me was featured on the page for the top on the Target website!

Holy crap! The actual Target website…I ain’t gonna lie, some squealing commenced along with rabid texting to anyone and everyone who would care. Now that really might not be that big of a deal to some people, but to me, damn…what a rush! At that point in the morning my day was already made. But no, that wasn’t all that the universe had in store for me. The truly extraordinary came later in the evening.

By chance I was bored and was scrolling my Facebook feed when I happened upon a snippet of a local weather report from one of the local news pages that I like. I read the caption and literally said out loud, “Nooo…that cannot be right. That’s impossible.” I played the piece of video and lo and behold, it was legit. The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) were going to be visible at my house. Whhaattt???

You see, this was a deal of epic proportions. Why? Two reasons really. First of all, my husband and I love “sky stuff”…eclipses, blood moons, rainbows, meteor showers; you name it, we’ll watch it. Oftentimes during the peak of the Perseid meteor showers in August you’ll find us laying in our backyard staring at the sky. The second reason? For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to see the Northern Lights, but never thought I’d have the opportunity. They just seem so…magical, but it just wasn’t something I figured I would ever see.

Around 9:45 I went outside and checked; commence squealing for the second time in one day. I bounced into the living room like a five year old yelping, “They’re here! They’re here!” like someone had just delivered me a truckload of free shoes. Since it was cloudy and Pennsylvania is nowhere near as close to the pole as say, Iceland, they weren’t as brilliant as the pictures I’ve seen, but that was okay with me. I was watching the Northern Lights. From my patio. Oh. my. God. We sat there in the quiet and just watched the light dance across the sky. My assumption was right, magical…

Which leads me to the wisdom that can perhaps be gleaned from this post. Enjoy the moments. Don’t miss the true substance of your life because you are busy waiting for the next big thing to happen. Don’t waste time chasing happiness. True happiness, true joy…is found in the moments. And more often than not, those moments are unexpected. They come out of nowhere and blindside you in the most beautiful way. Don’t be so distracted by chasing the elusive that you miss the magic of the moment.


I received this mixed print ruffle skirt several months ago and it has become a favorite. It’s just so comfortable and floaty. Comfortable and floaty becomes even more important when the humidity reaches a billion percent. And even though it is print mix perfection on it’s own, it for some reason just begs to be paired with a graphic tee. I think it would also be super fabulous with a chambray shirt and boots; I’ll have to keep that in mind once Fall rolls back into town.

And yes, I was able to fit my foot into my white leather strappy sandals. Every time I try one of my pairs of shoes on, I feel like Cinderella hoping that it will fit. Unfortunately I’m currently more stepsister than Cinderella. I can still only wear shoes that aren’t Birks for photos. Nothing else seems to have the right amount of support and thus my foot hurts. I know, I know…patience.


Don’t make the mistake of pigeonholing pieces of clothing by season. Always be thinking of ways that you can do some creative styling and wear items throughout the year. It makes your clothing worth the investment and gives you more opportunity to wear pieces that you love.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals. Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals. Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals. Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals. Ruffled skirt, moon graphic tank and sandals.

Skirt: Shein;  Tank Top: Similar;  Sandals: Payless (Similar); Celestial Ring: Ettika

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Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

Now that’s a fabulous day, Debbie!!! I can totally imagine how exciting it was—both things really!!!

Cheryl Tucker
7 years ago

Oh my gosh that is so much exciting news! Congrats on Target!!! Wowzer! And congrats on getting to watch a such a magical event! It’s just a reminder to us all to remember each day is new and anything can happen!!! Peace!

7 years ago

What a fun skirt! And omg so much excitement for you at once! Congrats on Target! That’s amazing!

xo Kristen

7 years ago

Oh WOW! What a magical week, Debbie! Congratulations on Target and Aurora Borealis. What an amazing week!
P.S. I am organizing a link up. Feel free to join and share your post.



7 years ago

Wow, congratulations on your very good, wonderful, magical day! Well deserved, I think. And I love this look, with the skirt flowing out behind – very romantic. Thanks for linking, xox


7 years ago

The skirt is pretty awesome! Looks pretty!

Anna Parkes
7 years ago

This ruffle skirt is right up my street Debbie! It’s so pretty and lovely with this top. I love the message in today’s post. Staying in the moment is indeed the trick. We’re all so busy chasing the next thing, the dream, the promise of something better that we do indeed fail to see what’s right under our noses. I’m thrilled with your advertising success – you deserve that. And what a stroke of luck that was to see the Northern Lights! I would never have thought it possible to see them from your location, but that just goes to… Read more »

7 years ago

Now that was a Sunday for the books! Congrats on the Target site, very cool!!! What an awesome experience in your own backyard with the Aurora Borealis, I cannot even imagine what a beautiful lightshow that must have been. Banner day for sure!
Here’s hoping you have more days like that!

7 years ago

“Don’t be so distracted by chasing the elusive that you miss the magic of the moment.”

I need that on a poster in my office.

We used to see the Aurora Borealis often when I lived in north central Alberta. They are quite special, especially in the middle of winter when they seem to be their strongest. Shades of neon green dancing across the night sky. It is quite unusual you were able to see them. I’m glad you had the opportunity.

Congrats on the Target feature!

You wrote this post beautifully.


Anna Marcus
7 years ago

You are right Debbie, sometimes the good things come when we least expecting them and when they do, we should cherish the moment

7 years ago

This outfit is very interesting on all burners. You look stunning! Thanks for linking up to Top of the the World Style

Trina Morgan
7 years ago

Loves! your skirt hon and top, thanks for sharing with us:)

Trina Morgan
Reply to  debbies
7 years ago

You’re so welcome 🙂

Amy Christensen
7 years ago

Cute and sassy, girl! Congrats on the Target shout out and even more fun, seeing the Northern Lights. How cool is that!! I love the star gaze too, so I can see why that would be so special. Enjoying the moments is right! Great advice! – Amy

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