JCPenney / Old Navy / style tips / sweater / tulle skirt

Serenity Blue Tulle Skirt & Gray Sweater: With Age Comes Wisdom

serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater

There has always been so much negativity surrounding the idea of getting older…


…although it seems the court of public opinion has been shifting on that lately. I think maybe that’s in part due to the recent proliferation of ad campaigns featuring drop dead gorgeous older women. Perhaps society in general is becoming more open-minded. Whatever the reason, it’s not a bad thing. But I’m not going to lie. I’m not a fan of getting older. I’m not one of those women who embraces her wrinkles, nor do I love the changes in my body both appearance and health wise. All of the things I professed wouldn’t happen to me back when I was full of the arrogance of youth have indeed started happening. Seriously, if you’re anywhere near the age of 50 have you tried sitting on the floor for awhile and then attempted to get up? Yep, that’ll convince you that you’re about a day away from the retirement home. And let’s not forget the joy of applying eyeliner when you can no longer see without glasses; that’s quite the conundrum. All of that aside, there are some pretty great things that I have learned as a result of getting older:

  • I view each day as a gift. That comes from realizing that time isn’t something one has in an endless supply.
  • Happiness is in the little moments. It’s not some big prize to go chasing after. It’s there every day, you just have to see it.
  • There is no room in my life for people who aren’t good to me or for me.
  • Drama is ridiculous and unnecessary. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
  • A very small group of very good friends is all I need.
  • If something needs to be said, say it.
  • Most things really aren’t worth stressing over. Be selective in regard to what stresses you out.
  • Look for humor wherever you can find it. Nothing beats a good laugh.


I’ve mentioned before that I find it odd when the fashion world gives new names to things (I’m talkin’ to you belt bag/fanny pack) and colors (I say burgundy, you say oxblood). But I have to say I like the name “Serenity”. It really is a fitting name for this shade of blue. And what better piece of clothing for an airy light blue shade than a tulle skirt?  A serenity blue tulle skirt? Yes please. I paired it with a simple heather gray men’s v-neck sweater and grounded it with black ankle boots and tights. I tied in a pinch of Rose Quartz as well through the necklace. I’m like a Pantone poster child.


When wearing something super feminine like a tulle skirt, it can be a fun twist to throw in masculine elements like a men’s shirt or sweater. A chunkier shoe or boot (or Converse) also adds an unexpected element and grounds the whole look.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater statement necklace serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater serenity blue tulle skirt, gray v-neck sweater

Skirt: Amazon;  Sweater: Old Navy (Similar);  Booties: JCPenney (Similar)

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8 years ago

I give a big “hell yes” to all of your points…so true! And I’m loving that fab skirt!

8 years ago

These are such great points. Truly mantras to live by. You don’t need to be 50 to get that.

I, like you, am not one bit keen on getting older, but the alternative ain’t so great. I also naively thought it’d never happen to me.

I’m thankful for every day that I can get up and use the bathroom on my own. It’s the little things.


Red Tag Chic Los Angeles
8 years ago

You’re a vision in blue amid that blanket of snow! Getting old is actually a gift – love your insights! Have a great weekend!!!


Linda A Cassidy
8 years ago

I love this ( and just got a pink tulle skirt, darn you for tempting me) Loving thewhole outfit shot, you look awesome in the snow
And yea have you tried sitting with your leg curled under you like we did all our lives, holy crap.

8 years ago

Yes Debbie! You said it all right! It’s hard seeing what happens no matter how hard you fight it it. I’ve found that as long as I’m doing my best every day to live a healthy life…..things go much better!!!! XO

Mary Lou
8 years ago

I love that skirt! As I’m looking 60 almost squarely in the face, you are so right about the getting older thing. lol I just always assumed I’d age gracefully (more like wishful thinking), and have been surprised at my attitude to it.

Lisa Haley
8 years ago

So true. The blue on you is so pretty and yes, Serenity is quite fitting. As for the growing older bit, my biggest takeaways are find something everyday to be thankful for and more likely than not folks don’t care nearly as much about what we say or do as we think they do.

8 years ago

Love your skirt Debbie, great colour 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop

Mummy's Got Style
8 years ago

Beautiful in blue! Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday

8 years ago

Thanks for linking up to the Kremb de la Kremb Style Stories Link Up Debbie! I love this blue tulle skirt. I have a cream one, but now I want a colored one instead. This one is so pretty.

Love, Ann

Sheela Goh
8 years ago

I don’t own a single Carrie skirt, for shame, Sheela, for shame. On the other hand, full justification to go forth and procure/shop.

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