brown accessories / brown platform sandals / deconstructed skinny jeans / gray cardigan / gray t-shirt / neon necklace / statement necklace

Shades Of Gray…And A Bit Of Brown

     I first saw gray paired with brown accessories on Pinterest a few months ago.  It was a combo I really liked, but had never thought of. They really do play well together, which is kind of surprising because it just doesn’t seem like the two would look right together. This outfit is nothing fancy…just your basic jeans and tee combination with a few extras thrown in for visual interest.
     Linking up with Jacqueline and Elle for their Weekly Spotlight: Denim Link Up, Bethany and Meghan’s Three-fer Thursday Link Up, and Tara at Mix and Match Fashion for her Summer Style Link Up.

Style Tip:  Be open minded when it comes to combining colors. Pair unexpected colors together and see what works.



Tee shirt: Walmart;  Cardigan: Old Navy;  Jeans: JCPenney;  Sandals: JCPenney (no longer available);  Necklace: Very Jane

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Izabela Majkut
11 years ago

so pretty look, simply but the necklace make it more interesting 😉

+do you want to follow each other?

Reply to  Izabela Majkut
11 years ago

Thank you so much Izabela! I’ll drop by and check out your blog!
Debbie 🙂

Une femme
11 years ago

Very nice! The necklace provides a great focal point and really plays nicely with your hair color. I don’t think there are many colors that grey *doesn’t* work with. I’m a big fan of grey and rust, which I saw several years ago in menswear at The Sartorialist and have been trying to re-create ever since.

Reply to  Une femme
11 years ago

Thank you! Sometimes I have tunnel vision and when I used to think of pairing gray with something I immediately thought “black”, but now I try to look at things with a more open mind. I love the idea of gray and rust!
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

Great jeans, and I love your necklace!

Reply to  TaraMixandMatch
11 years ago

Thanks Tara!

Bethany C
11 years ago

I love that neon statement necklace, it adds a fun pop of color to this outfit! Thanks for sharing your look with Three-fer Thursday 🙂

xo Bethany

Reply to  Bethany C
11 years ago

Thank you so much Bethany!
Debbie 🙂

Jacqueline Rendine
11 years ago

Love this look! One that I can imagine myself wearing! The pop of color in the necklace really pulls this outfit together! Thanks for linking up!

Reply to  Jacqueline Rendine
11 years ago

Thanks! It’s a pretty basic outfit that you could change with so many different accessories.
Debbie 🙂

11 years ago

love the simplicity Xo, Megan,

Reply to  Megan,
11 years ago

Thanks Megan!
Debbie 🙂

Elle-Living in Color
11 years ago

Hello doll! I am seriously in love with this outfit! That necklace is absolutely fabulous! Just wanted to say thank you so much for linking up to Spotlight Weekly link-up! Jacqueline from Stylin in St. Louis and I love having your support, and hope you’ll come link up again next week! 😉

xo, Elle

Elle-Living in Color
Reply to  Elle-Living in Color
11 years ago

P.S. Love that you added our button, girl! Thanks so much 😉

Reply to  Elle-Living in Color
11 years ago

Elle~ I love linking up with you guys! Jacqueline has been so kind, almost since I started this blog, and more recently you as well so of course I’m supportin’ because you two are fabulous!
Debbie 🙂

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