This is actually what I wore last Friday. It’s simple, but cool. I looked at today’s shots and I must say I was unimpressed. I kept them though for one of those days I feel like doing a “how I would’ve done this differently post”. And besides, this outfit is keeping with my belief that it is Spring and my unwillingness to accept the fact that right now we are looking down the barrel of a storm that’s bringing 6-8 inches with blowing and drifting snow. Yuck. It’s supposed to be 18 degrees on Thursday, but then 49 on Friday. Gotta love northwestern Pennsylvania in March.
A white blazer is one of those things I held out on for a long time, much like the white jeans. Hmm…I’m sensing a theme here. Don’t get me wrong I’m not hatin’ on white. I just know that I typically end up with something on my clothes and white isn’t exactly a good idea when I have a hard time keeping my coffee in it’s cup where it belongs. As a matter of fact, being the idiot I am, I popped open the top on my travel mug with it facing me while I had this on. Thank God for Tide pens!
Linking up with: Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Link Party, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So, and Trend Spin Link Up: Denim.