The other morning my friend Tracey and I went out for a coffee. We were sitting by the front window that looks out on the main street (and I use that term loosely). Anyways, at one point she tells me to hurry up and look out the window. I’ll tell ya, what I saw was one of the most insanely cool things I’ve seen in recent history.
Two elderly ladies riding a motorcycle. And no, I don’t mean elderly ladies as in the tween that sold us our coffee thought Tracey and I were elderly ladies. I mean gray haired, polyester shorts and orthopedic shoes wearing elderly ladies. Both on one bike; I didn’t get a chance to see what kind of bike, I was too fascinated with the riders, but trust me, it was a motorcycle not a tiny scooter one might expect to see grandma riding. And I kid you not, they were wearing polyester shorts and what from a distance appeared to be orthopedic shoes. And the best part…no helmets. I come from real honest to God “Sons of Anarchy” type bikers and even I wear a helmet. But only because I’m paranoid, I believe that’s one of those areas where you should have the right to choose. And choose they did…the gray hair was flyin’ in the wind and it was awesome my friends. They were like Thelma and Louise escaped from the retirement community.
This is one of those outfits that went from “cute for a coffee date” to “pulling weeds in the flower bed” in under ten seconds. Literally. When I got home the top, sandals, and jewelry came off, flips on hair up and outside to get dirty I went. The base is nothing more than my ubiquitous denim shorts and a tank top. Using these items as a base gives you a multitude of options to dress it up; you could go ladylike, edgy, whatever you’re feeling that day. I chose the sheer floral top over the tank and the fringe wedge sandals to dress it up. And the jewelry is from my latest Rocksbox.
To be honest, this was the first box I’ve received that I was disappointed with. It’s true, the necklace was on my wishlist. But when I actually saw it in person I wasn’t impressed. I didn’t care for the earrings at all and the bracelet was kind of “meh”. That’s the true beauty of it though, I got to try the necklace out and since I wasn’t impressed I was able to send it and the other items back (for free) and a new box of jewelry is now on it’s way. And every box prior to this was fabulous so it’s to be expected that every once in awhile a not so great one might show up. I’m liking it so much in fact, I’m considering keeping my subscription once the collaboration period is up. You can send the boxes back for new ones as often as you’d like, and if you love a piece you’re free to buy it. Each month you get a $10 credit that can be used towards any piece you’d like to purchase. If you’d like to give Rocksbox a try for free for one month, simply enter “fashionfairydustxoxo” at checkout. And really, what’s better than free?
Linking up with: The Wednesday Pants, Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, Color and Grace Fashion Link Up, Thursday Fashion Files, Spotlight Weekly Link Up, Summer Style Link Up, A Labour Of Fashion, Top Of The World Style Link Up, Thursday Favorites, Throwback Thursday.
Top: Sears (Old); Shorts: GAP (similar); Sandals: Payless
**Just 3 days left to enter the $200 GAP giveaway! Click here to enter.