Forever 21 / graphic t-shirt / joggers / kimono / Payless / Sears / Tilly's / track pants / Uncategorized / wedge sandals

Silk Joggers & Fringe Sandals: Bugs With Suitcases

silk joggers, black lace kimono, fringe sandals

It’s official. We now have a house on the water. So what if the water used to be our yard. Word on the street is, it’s not supposed to rain today. I’ll believe that when I see it. And the very best part of all of this precipitation? My most favorite thing in all the world. Bugs. Not just any bugs, mind you. Bugs with wings. And suitcases. And tiny bug cell phones. Why suitcases? Because apparently they’re under the impression they are welcome to stay awhile. And why cell phones? Because they’re calling all of their damn friends and family to come and stay too because apparently they didn’t have flood insurance.  I do tend to get hyperbolic when discussing insects and spiders because they freak me out, but let me assure you, in the last several days I have found hundreds, yes hundreds, of flying ants and their tiny crawling cousins roaming around my dining room and kitchen. They are actually swarming. Ew. And no, thankfully they aren’t termites. Just this morning I knocked two of them unconscious with a tiny baseball bat (okay, my sandal) and snatched them up with tweezers for an impromptu dissection. Impromptu dissection, how many times in life do you get to use those words together in a sentence? In any case, definitely, 100% ants. Although that doesn’t make them any less horrifying; not when there’s enough of them to gang up on me and steal my lunch money. I’ve been spraying the suckers down with Windex (hey, a girls gotta improvise) and then after it dries I suck them up in the vacuum. How’s that for making them feel unwelcome?

Due to the aforementioned wetness, this outfit is from awhile back. You know, back before all of my mulch floated away. I have to say this outfit was exactly like wearing pajamas to work. Everything about it was soft,  drapey, slouchy comfortableness. Because of the lightweight fabric of all three pieces it flowed instead of looking sloppy. And there is a fine line between slouchy and sloppy. It’s hard to put into words, but you know it when you see it. I suppose it’s subjective though; someone else might look at this and see sloppy where I see slouchy fabulousness. I think that if the pieces fall right and there is a dressy element to it, e.g., the lace details and silk-like fabric, that keeps the look safely out of sloppy territory.

Linking up with:  Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday At Mummy’s Got Style.

silk joggers, fringe sandals, black lace kimono silk joggers, fringe sandals, black lace kimono layered necklaces silk joggers, fringe sandals, black lace kimono silk joggers, fringe sandals, black lace kimono

Joggers: Sears (Old);  Kimono: Forever 21 (Old);  Tee: Tilly’s (Old);  Sandals: Payless

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Hi Tea Style
9 years ago

Cute look! Love those jogger pants and sandals! Have a wonderful weekend!

9 years ago

Cute outfit and I am sorry about the bugs moving in. We have daddy long leg spiders camping out in our house :(.
Rachel xo

Garay Treasures

9 years ago

Gorgeous And Funny! Just discovered your blog via “fashion bloggers and lifestyle” looking forward to catching up!

Anna Shirley
9 years ago

So nice and comfortable look. I love joggers.o)


9 years ago

Gross! I feel for you! Flying ants sound awful. I think the worst is flying cockroaches. Or the bats I saw in Africa. BUT they weren’t in my house.

I hope all gets back to normal chez toi soon.

You look super comfy in this outfit.


Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

I love this look! I think it’s one of my favs on you, Debbie, … and comfy is always a plus. Hope those darn bugs leave you alone!
Dawn Lucy

Monika Faulkner
9 years ago

This combo is far from sloppy, dearest Debbie…in fact, I’d say it’s slouchy perfection!! Loving all the interesting textures – the sheen from the joggers, the lace-embellished kimono, the graphic tee – and those layered gold necklaces are both pretty…and a little edgy!! XOXO

9 years ago

Bahahahaha! You made me laugh. Like actual, real-life LOLs. I appreciate that, though I don’t want you to think that I’m getting some sort of pleasure out of your misfortune. I have a similar dislike of bugs. We’re waiting on orders to see where we’re moving next and Clovis, New Mexico is a possibility… they have scorpions, tarantulas and a lovely little creature called the scorpion fly. It’s a fly with a scorpion tail. I’m gonna die if we end up there! Ug. On the upside, this is another outfit that I want to steal from you! : signe :… Read more »

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