Did ya get what I did there with the post title? “Simply Dressed”…it’s simple, and it’s a dress. I know, I’m so witty it’s scary, right? And I swear on my life this dress is a burgundy/plum hybrid color, but for some reason it photographed kind of reddish/brownish. Perhaps it’s the hideous orange walls surrounding me in this windowless office/workout room/dog room/room where my son sleeps when he comes home. I had the best intentions when I painted it orange years ago. I wanted a warm spiced pumpkin sort of room, but trust me, that color is best suited for a smaller room perhaps with some natural light. Not a ridiculously long rectangular room with no windows. Honestly, I am going to paint it. We already have the paint and it’s a beautiful color. But I despise painting and this room in particular. It is an absolute beast to paint, but I have to. Since I spend so much time in here I feel like Peter the pumpkin eater’s wife. But I digress. Let’s talk about the dress…
I bought it on clearance about a year ago. I loved the cut, the color, and the fact that it’s ponte knit which makes it ridiculous comfortable. But alas, I had the usual problem that I do with dresses. Thanks to my broad upper body and the girls I need about two sizes larger on the top than the bottom. So it ended up being huge around the waist. I was going to have it altered, but never did. For some reason the other night I decided I wanted to wear it. I threw a belt on it and problem solved. In hindsight, I could’ve accessorized it better and maybe thrown a blazer or cardi over it, but it still looks pretty good. I got a ton of compliments so I must have done something right.
Linking up with: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Trend Spin Link Up, and Stylish Tuesday.