Boho / boho dress / Free People / Grace and Lace / layered necklaces / Lulu's / slip dress / style tips / tee / tee shirt / vest

Slip Dress & Lace Vest: Emergency Brake

slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots

No, your eyes are not deceiving you. Those are actual honest to God flowers growing in my backyard…


…And yesterday it was 75 degrees. As I assumed would happen, we pretty much skipped spring and jumped right into summer. I know I’ve covered this before, but seriously, where in the hell did the time go? As you read this, there are only fifteen school days left in the year. What?? This year has gone by in the blink of an eye. As much as one may try, sometimes it’s near impossible to savor the moments and revel in the small things when life goes by like you’re aboard the USS Enterprise set to warp speed and Kirk has abandoned the helm. Sometimes I wish I had the ability to pull some cosmic emergency brake and just slow it all down if even for just a few days. It seems like just a hot minute ago that my sweet little boy was snuggled up in my lap and he looked into my eyes and said, “I’ll always want to give you kisses and hugs mommy.” Now he’s out in the world with a life of his own. And about five minutes after that my tiny little girl had to be wrapped around me like a monkey every opportunity she had. Now she’s asking me if I want her ankle boots that no longer fit her. I can’t even…


Look at me; I wised up and tied the lariat in a fancy bow as not to publicly hang myself on a shopping cart again. I imagine it would be effective, but since I didn’t actually go grocery shop on the day I wore it I can only assume. I’ll be sure to let you know the next time that particular situation arises again. So I decided to be bold and rock colors that are traditionally associated with fall in the spring/summer. The slip dress is the just right shade of mustard yellow that I can actually wear; trust me, true yellow is not my friend. And the magical flip vest, which I fully explained here is the warm orange/rust of fall leaves. The thing is, both the slip dress and vest are super lightweight and were meant for wearing in hotter weather. The lightness of both materials makes them perfect for layering with heavier pieces in winter without adding extra bulk; but equally perfect for light layering, more for visual interest thank practicality, in the summer.


Try to break free of the mindset that tells you that certain colors are seasonal. I’ve been know to wear pastels in the winter as well as bright floral prints. By the same token, it’s perfectly fine to wear deeper shades like mustard yellow, rust, burgundy and cobalt blue in the summer. The keys, in my opinion, are the type of material as well as what you choose to pair the item with.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots slip dress, lace vest, ankle boots

Dress: Free People;  Vest: Grace and Lace;  Boots: Lulu’s (Same different retailer)



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8 years ago

15 days left? You are so close! I think we are somewhere in the 20’s. These colors are super pretty on you!

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

While I am not glad you have nearly publicly hanged yourself with your necklace, I am glad to know that I am not the only one who this happens to! I love long necklaces but am forever catching them on anything and everything!

I love the warm Fall colors in Spring especially when those colors are so flattering on you. Mustard is the only yellow I can wear as well, so you bet I wear it in Spring and Summer.

Fabulous outfit with wonderful details! I love it!


8 years ago

Love the double zero vest .. I’m thinking it would go great with jean shorts .. hmm, think I may need this !


8 years ago

These are beautiful colors together. I really like the layers and that you are wearing booties with this boho look. Gorgeous photos, too!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Again…we are on the same wavelength—I was just telling mom that she could wear the rust colored skirt in the spring & summer (she considers it a fall skirt)!
And funny, because I was just thinking of your grocery shopping story as I was altering a skirt for a client and my necklace got caught in the drawer as I was leaning over—ha ha!
Of course you should wear these colors more—they look so great with your complexion!

8 years ago

What fantastic colours with your hair.

I wear fall colours all year round. It’s not like there is any colour police out there looking to give me a ticket.


8 years ago

What a pretty outfit. Love the Star Trek reference. Yes, we jumped from Winter to Summer without a real Spring, which is sad ’cause that’s my favorite season.

8 years ago

Loving how you styled the dress! One hot mama 🙂
Thank you for linking up with Weekend Wear, have a great weekend

Linda Cassidy
8 years ago

you wear these colours so well. love the boots

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

I love all the touches of lace in this ensemble. And it’s great to see that lariat being safely tied up… I have to admit to the association with colours and seasons myself. I have a similar coloured outfit sitting in my draftbox which I’m loathe to publish as I feel it looks to autumnal – crazy, I know. Maybe I need to get over that. And I have to argee with you Debbie about our little children not being little an more. My son is angst ridden at the thought of being this year! How does he think I… Read more »

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

My son is angst ridden at the thought of being 25 this year – is what I was trying to write Debbie x

Janice Stanford
Janice Stanford
8 years ago

Love this color!

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