boots / Ettika / H&M / slip dress / style tips / sweater / tights / Winter outfit / Winter style

Slip Dress & OTK Boots: No Regrets

Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.

It is a noble aspiration to say we are going to live our lives without regrets; truly it is. And to live without regrets is probably a goal that we should all strive for…


…The thing is though, it is almost impossible to accomplish. Why? Because a lot of life’s regrets only become apparent through hindsight. Believe me, looking back at the course of my life, it is strewn with regrets both large and small. And sometimes seemingly inconsequential situations turn out to be the source of a regret that you didn’t see coming. The upside of it is though, we can learn from our past regrets.

Last week on a particularly cold and snowy day, I was waiting to have a manicure; a seemingly mundane situation right? I was chatting with a little eight year old girl named Emma (I know all of this because Emma was very chatty) who was waiting for her mom to get done. While interviewing me in regard to my favorite polish colors, she looks at the window over my shoulder and says, “That man looks like he needs help.”

I turned around and I saw a homeless man outside sitting down leaning against a post arranging all of his things. I responded, “Yes, honey, he does.” She continued glancing out at him while talking with me, and I decided that after my manicure I would stop at the Starbucks next door and grab him a hot coffee.

My nails were barely started when I realized my mistake. I should have went and bought that gentleman a cup of coffee when it first occurred me. How selfish of me. Seriously. I’m sitting there all warm and toasty waiting to get my freakin’ nails done while that man was trying to block the frigid wind with a damn brick pillar. And I passed up a golden teachable moment with little Emma. Had I done the right thing in the right moment perhaps someday she would remember and pay it forward.

I had the twitchiest manicure ever because I just wanted it to be done so that I could right my mistake. I bolted out the door and he was gone. Enter regret number two, or to simplify things let’s roll them together and make one big regret. I actually teared up. When I got in my car I cruised around awhile looking for him, but to no avail.

Do I regret the whole situation? Yes. Did I learn from it? Yes. I will do better the next time and the time after that. I will do the right thing at the right moment, no hesitation. No regrets.


I love me a good slip dress and this little rose gold number is no exception. Since it’s more than a little cold outside (actually this day it was colder than I realized…note to self…no pictures when it’s below 20 degrees), a sweater layer was mandatory. The slip dress/sweater combo is pretty commonplace in the fashion world this season, but even so, I love it anyway. Trendy or not, if I love something I wear it.

It’s hard to tell from the photos, but the sweater is a subtle gorgeous shade of blush that complements the rose gold of the slip dress perfectly. Although fishnets aren’t known for their high level of warmth, they did go a long way in keeping my legs warmer paired with the over the knee boots while at the same time adding some visual interest to the outfit.


Speaking of visual interest, there’s nothing like a pop of color to up the fabulous factor in an outfit. In this case, I added the color through my jewelry. I love how the bright blue/turquoise of the bracelets and necklace really play off of the rose gold and blush pink of the slip dress and sweater.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.

Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit. Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit. Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit. Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.Pink slip dress, otk boots and sweater. Adding pops of color to an outfit.

Dress: H&M (Similar);  Boots: ASOS (Similar);  Sweater: H&M (Similar);  Bracelets: Ettika

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Nancy Baten
7 years ago

That is touching because I have a thing for the homeless. You probably get another chance .

7 years ago

Love these boots on you!

7 years ago

Great teaching story, and it reminds me to do-it-now. And you are lovely as ever in this unexpected combination! xox


Jodie filogomo
7 years ago

But, I do think that it shouldn’t be a regret if you learn from it. Because I think so many of life’s learning experiences are from doing it wrong first. In fact, I used to say I learn more from my mistakes than from my successes. And now, you’ll do it the way you wanted right away the next time!!
Love the outfit, Debbie!

Maggie Donapel
7 years ago

When I worked every day in center city Philadelphia, I used to agonize over whether to offer something to the homeless people I encountered every single day. We were warned not to give money, though people were always asking for change or for bus fare. But after so many times of just walking by, wanting to do the “right thing”, I decided that I had to do what my heart told me and give what I could. Sometimes food, sometimes cash, sometimes just a little conversation. Thanks for sharing this story! I know the regret of a lost opportunity but,… Read more »

7 years ago

I really like how you look in this outfit. You make me feel relaxed and cool.Love the otk

Adriele Dixon
7 years ago

Debbie I always love seeing how you style looks! Also, I need to start wearing fun tights/pantyhose. Great idea! Stopping by from the Confident Twosday linkup!


7 years ago

Aww, I can just picture you wanting to hurry up and get out the door and give that man a drink.

Great look Debbie, love your boots 🙂

jess jannenga
7 years ago

Debbie, that is a touching story. I too, think that it would have been a regret if perhaps it didn’t cross your mind. I understand, I would have thought the same. I look at it as you thought of the man and wanted to do something, I love the color of your dress and those boots are fabulous! Surprised to not see snow!
jess xx
thanks for linking with turning heads tuesday

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