Boho Style / Work Style

Snake Print Chiffon Skirt & Sweatshirt: Counterbalance

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Sometimes it’s so easy to look at the world around us and quickly determine that people in general just aren’t very nice…


…Actually oftentimes, for lack of a better descriptor, they suck. I try to remain relatively optimistic and positive, I truly do, and the majority of the time I am. I accomplish this by simply focusing on my own realm of existence; specifically the people, places and activities that make me happy…the rest the nonsense in the world I do my best to avoid or ignore because life truly is so much better when you simply keep to your own business and allow others to keep to theirs.

However, over the last several weeks I had literally no alternative but to allow a very angry, very negative, very unhelpful individual into my realm at work. In the beginning I tried, I really did. I made conversation and I attempted to make sure this person felt part of the group. Sadly it was all to no avail and gradually things went from bad to worse. Her mood, snarky comments and general unkindness began to effect absolutely everyone within her range.

Before I go on, I want to clarify that while you might be imagining a younger person after reading my description, that is not the case. This was not only a fully-formed adult that I’m writing about, this woman was well into her 80’s. And my friends, believe me when I say she truly was one of the most angry combative individuals I have ever encountered.

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It all came to a head when she decided that it was perfectly acceptable to quite literally get in my face and spew her vitriol all over me. Her rage (and it was rage, not anger) was not only unexpected and unwarranted, it was entirely inaccurate. I sat there dumbfounded for a few moments, but when it became apparent that there was no defusing the situation I went back at her. A girl can only take so much before her survival instincts kick in; and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to defend myself and the people that I care about it if I’m forced to.

Since throwing down with an elderly woman was never on my bucket list and confrontation is not one of my most loved pastimes, I was feeling pretty low when I left work. I stopped to get my after school latte and happened to hold the door for an elderly woman who appeared to be about the same age as my nemesis.

She said thank you and when she got about three steps past me, she turned around and said, “You are absolutely beautiful!” I replied with “Aw…thank you so much!” And she said, “No, really. I mean it. I could pay someone a lot of money to do me up like you and I would never be anywhere near as beautiful.” It wasn’t what she said, it was how she said it. Her words brought tears to my eyes and left me speechless because I could tell that she truly and genuinely meant what she said. Before she walked away I told her that she had no idea what her words meant to me.

It’s like the universe knew exactly what I needed and sent it to me in the form of the antithesis of my earlier encounter. I only hope that sweet woman knows that it is she who is the truly beautiful one. With just a few kind words, she turned my bleak mood around and reminded me that the world is indeed full of good people; good people who are meant to counterbalance the ugliness and shine their light exactly where it is needed.

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I’ve shared my snake print boots, and my snake print cardigan so I figured it was about time that I share my snake print chiffon skirt too. I’m loving all the silk and chiffon skirts right now and snake print is really on trend so this skirt is perfect.

One of my favorite ways to put together a look is to pair disparate pieces that one might not think would work together, but yet somehow do. Such is the case with the pretty feminine chiffon skirt and the lace up sweatshirt. More often than not I pair my sweatshirts with skirts or nicer pants just to keep things interesting.

Since I wore this back when the temperatures were still warm I was still able to go with bare legs and my black suede booties. Since it’s much cooler now I would wear either tights (which I despise and only wear when forced) or over the knee boots. The nice thing about otk boots is that they are not only stylish, they also add a layer of warmth for your legs once the temperatures drop.

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In my opinion, snake print is much like leopard print in that it makes a good neutral. It’s versatile, can be found on a variety of different pieces and it’s super easy to pair with other prints like stripes or florals.

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Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

snake print chiffon shirt_sweatshirt_booties snake print chiffon shirt_sweatshirt_booties

Skirt: Nordstrom Rack (Similar); Sweatshirt: Similar;  Booties: Similar

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5 years ago

Oh my… elderly people … they’re all different just like people in any age-group. I see this a lot when visiting my mother at her senior living facility. I hope that aspect of your workplace gets better soon. Love the snake print.

Kimberly F. Malkiewicz
5 years ago

You are very fortunate that the situation turned itself around. My mother passed away earlier this year and she fed off people’s emotions, both positive and negative and seemed to enjoy aggravating me. I hope the relationship has turned itself around permanently. I have a knit top very similar to this and I’ve only worn it once! I need to up my skirt game–I purchased one this week so will have to get busy styling it.

eva @evawingercostumetakeout
5 years ago

yep! loving on the snake skin! i have a ton of faux snake print print..need to pull it out!

jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
5 years ago

That truly goes to show that it’s not the age of the person that makes them good or bad, it’s their personality and outlook on life. Wait till you hear the story about our new neighbor…

Shugunna Alexander
5 years ago

I’m sorry about the altercation and you’re right sometimes it just can’t be helped but.hopefully she’ll think twice the next time. How cool of the other lady to give you such a nice compliment, true By the way and just very nice. I love this skirt, actually saw one online the other night and reminded me of your slip skirt, too cute; was thinking of buying it. I might🤪take care my lady

Ruth Josey
5 years ago

Well, I’m so sorry you had such a bad encounter. I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody get in my face in a rage, but I know I’d feel exactly the same way you felt. Sometimes the elderly get more mellow with age, but I think the ones who have been unhappy all along tend to get worse as they age. Just remember, it isn’t you. And that lady at the coffee shop was right – you are gorgeous! I am in love with your style. That outfit is just perfect on you and I want to go out right… Read more »

Bettye Rainwater
5 years ago

What a terrible wonderful story 🙂 I had a person at work who got so under my skin and into my head and twisted me all up for YEARS. I was miserable all the time at work and away. I was counting the minutes to retirement, I was so happy when I got sick because it meant I didn’t have to be there. It was bad. So I do know that feeling. And I’m so sorry you’re going through that now. But. What a shining star you found in the other woman. Like you said, just when you needed it… Read more »

Shelbee on the Edge
5 years ago

Debbie, I love this outfit! The contrast between the chiffon skirt and sweatshirt and boots is perfection. As for the story part of your post, I hear ya, sister! I am right there with you on all of it. And the universe really does know how to deliver what you need when you need it right after she sticks a big, annoying challenge in your face to see how you can handle that first! Love you!


Jacqui Berry
5 years ago

That top is so different, it looks super with your skirt and fab boots. Jacqui
Thanks for sharing on the #linkup

jess jannenga
5 years ago

Love the lace up boots with the camel lace up top! I always liked that detail in a top. Sorry about the mean crabby lady! that would put me in a lousy mood too! Nice that there was a turn of events. I don’t know why some people have ot be so negative and down. You look lovely in this skirt- I am a big snakeskin fan!
Happy Thanksgiving!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

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