First of all, if you are a card carrying member of the soccer mom club then you go ahead and rock on with your bad self. If that’s the look you love, then kudos to you. It’s just not for me; not even during my son’s brief and whining filled soccer career when I actually was a soccer mom.
I’ve mentioned before that my hair has it’s own life, and I pretty much allow it to do what it wants. Fighting it is a truly pointless exercise in futility. But it does seem to go on these rare psychotic benders where it looks like it does in these photos…the first thing that popped into my head was soccer mom hair. It looks, I don’t know…overly styled maybe? And believe me, I put very little effort into my hair ever so “overly styled” is definitely not what I’m typically shooting for.
I picked up these joggers before Christmas on sale at Old Navy. Not only are they soft and comfortable, but they’ve also turned out to be crazy versatile. I’ve styled them several different ways although this is the first they’ve made it to the blog. This is one of those outfits that if I just remove the neck candy and replace the fine leopard pumps with some Bearpaws, I’d have a perfectly acceptable laying around on the couch outfit. Sometimes all it takes is a stand out piece of jewelry and fabulous shoes to change the entire mood of a basic outfit.
Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop (I’m featured this week by the fabulous Claire, so do check it out), Style To Inspire Link Up, Let It Shine Link Up, How I Fall Link Up, Share-In-Style, Sunday Funday Link Up.