JCPenney / Lace dress / olive green anorak military jacket / PacSun / plaid shirt

Sometimes Change Is Really Good: Lace Dress, Plaid Shirt And Ankle Booties

     I’m a creature of habit. I like my world to be just so; I kind of like to know what to expect each day when I get up in the morning. Sometimes though, a change in your world comes along that is so good you can’t help but be happy about it. A couple of weeks ago, unexpectedly and out of nowhere, my whole work world got shaken up. Normally, I focus on my real life and try to keep work on the periphery of things. But I gotta say, it doesn’t hurt when you are truly excited to get up and go to work in the morning. I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt this way.
     Since forever I have felt that the way our special education program was set up was doing a huge disservice to a sizable number of my kids. Unfortunately, changes of the magnitude that needed to be made were well above my pay grade. No, that’s not a cop out. It’s the reality. A couple of weeks ago the major abyss in our programming became apparent to someone who could make the changes. And lo and behold I am now officially the Life Skills Support teacher. I know a lot of you are probably thinking, “Um, okay. Good for you.” But I am crazy excited about this! I’m actually going to be able to help get my kids ready to live in the real world and equip them with the skills they truly need to be successful. This new program requires a ginormous amount of work on my part. I have to visit other programs, write an entire curriculum and get my classroom set up, but ya know what? It’s all going to be worth it and I cannot wait to get it up and running. And I can’t tell you how good it feels to be this excited about work again.
     I haven’t worn this dress for over a year, so I figured I should take it out of hiding. Since it’s lace, it can run the risk of being too precious if paired with the wrong add-ons. That’s why I decided to go with the plaid shirt, anorak and ankle booties. I love the juxtaposition of girly and outdoorsy. It tones down the sweetness of the dress without taking too much away from it. I’d like to say I added the sheer tights/hose to add to the look, but honestly I was just being lazy. I so did not feel like messing with self tanner, and trust me, at this point in the year my legs are way too pale to go naked.

Linking up with:  Creative Mondays Blog Hop and Style To Inspire.

Dress: JCPenney (Old);  Shirt: JCPenney (Old);  Jacket: JCPenney (Old);  Booties: PacSun (In store purchase)

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analyn milallos
9 years ago

You rock with ankle booties and so the dress is love.

Elegance and Mommyhood
9 years ago

Love that lace dress and I love how you made it Fall-appropriate layering it with the cranberry plaid shirt and utility jacket. I have worn my ivory lace dress year-around also.

I too am a creature of nature but at the same time I welcome and love change. Change is good most of the time and I have had so many changes in the last decade of my life.

Happy Monday Debbie! <3 Ada.

M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

Oh, but sometimes being precious is a good thing? Regardless, pairing the lace with the anorak is sheer genius! I love this grunge meets Audrey look on you. And congrats so hard for the new job title and responsibilities! Once again we mirror each other – I, too, feel like education has shifted and we need to provide ore life skills and less academia BS and I’ve been trying to incorporate that little by little in my own curriculum. I’m so excited for you! You’re gonna do great things and the work will be so totally worth it! Huzzah!!!

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

Congrats, that is a tremendous opportunity and a challenge I know you will excel at. A chance to make a real difference in children’s lives is an amazing opportunity and a huge responsibility. You wll rock this. The outfit is fantastic and the outdoorsy pieces do add that awesome element. ( PS I am your copy cat today, rocking my Sheldon suit so stay tune for tomorrows “mimic” post)

9 years ago

Plaid and lace is so fun together! Congrats on the new position, enough SPED kids aren’t getting the life skills support they need, you will do great things!

9 years ago

This is the plaid shirt you were wearing when I first found your blog! It still looks amazing on you!!!!!


Renae of Simple Sequins
9 years ago

Oh Debbie, I am sooooooo happy for you! You are going to make a huge difference just by your attitude toward it. My dd that lives closest to me, LL and LML’s Mommy, is an aid/ paraprofessional in Sp Ed and she loves the life skills portion. She wants to do what you are doing, eventually. They are getting hubby to his bachelors first then she will get her bachelors and masters in a whole calendar year when the time comes. Great post my friend! ♥ Now about this lace dress and flannel shirt. ILOVEIT!!! I would not have ever… Read more »

Jeannette Perez
9 years ago

Hello Debbie! You have no idea how happy I am for you. Change is always good for the soul and for sure you are going to make a huge difference. And, isn’t it what life is all about? Good for you and can’t wait to hear more about this new opportunity and experience. So congratulations!I have to say that the look you created today is super chic and I like the fact that you started with a cute lace dress, then added a plaid shirt and on top of that added an anorak jacket! How genius is that. Really like… Read more »

Doused In Pink
9 years ago

Congrats on the new position! Love this texture mix! Such a fun, chic look!


9 years ago

Wonderful look! Congrats

Made in Mauve

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