I gotta say, I love ponte knit blazers. When I discovered them a year or so ago, I couldn’t have been happier! Alright, that might be an exaggeration, but I was pretty pumped about it. How could you not be? It’s like the love child between a blazer and a sweatshirt! What’s not to love?!
If there’s anything I despise, it has to be feeling confined or restricted. If I put something on and it tugs, pulls, or is tight, I will not wear it. Bras drive me crazy…even comfortable ones are uncomfortable to me! I only jumped on the skinny jeans bandwagon in the last year because I was scared of them! They just looked so…..umm…what’s the word…tight. Ya, that’s it! I digress…the point is ponte knit blazers are super comfortable and as we all know, a blazer can totally make an outfit. This one is my favorite because of the leopard print. It definitely sees a lot of action and I haven’t paired it with anything that it didn’t look good with.
Today’s link ups are: Trend Spin Link Up-Animal Print, Style Sessions: Fashion Link Up, and the Real Girl Style Fashion Link Up.
Style Tip: Classic items, like a blazer, can be just as versatile in an unexpected print as they are in a solid color.
Blazer: Sears (no longer available); Top: TJ Maxx; Shorts: Levis (no longer available); Sandals: Target (no longer available)