blue sweatshirt / blue tights / burgundy ankle boots / Ebay / galaxy print skirt / gray faux leather vest / JCPenney / Nordstrom / statement necklace

Stardust And Leather

     This was one of those keep warm while wearing a skirt outfits.  Three layers on top and tights and footie socks on the bottom.  Plus my gray Fuggs for when I was actually outside, but not necessarily a good look for all day, hence the burgundy ankle booties.
     I guess I shouldn’t have complained prematurely about the weather.  I was whining about lake effect snow the other day and now, as I type this, we are getting hammered by a monster snow storm.  When it’s all said and done late tomorrow night we’re supposed to have close to a foot of snow, and believe me, we’re well on our way right now.  Tomorrow has the potential for school to be cancelled, which on one hand is kind of pleasant, but on the other hand it’s kind of sucky because we’ll have to make it up. But, what are you gonna do? You can’t argue with Mother Nature.

Linking up with:  Get Your Pretty On I Feel Pretty Link Party and What I’m Wearing Inspired By Link Up.

Skirt: Topshop via Nordstrom (No longer available);  Sweatshirt: JCPenney (No longer available);  Vest: Ebay;  Necklace: Old;  Booties: Amazon

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10 years ago

Love these colors and the the galaxy skirt! Good luck with that weather and for kids there is nothing like a snow day! In my neck of the woods its a rarity and greatly appreciated…(Virginia Beach)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to
10 years ago

Thank you Tracey! We did end up having a snow day…bad thing is, now we have to make it up.
Debbie 🙂

Laura B
10 years ago

What a pretty necklace and those booties look so comfy! What a great color! I love all these colors together, too.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Laura B
10 years ago

Thanks Laura!
Debbie 🙂

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Really creative outfit. I love the skirt and necklace. Great job of mixing all the colours.

We got a tiny bit of snow yesterday but it is cold here now. Depressing! : (


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I absolutely despise being cold! We had just about a foot of snow by Wednesday night. I literally did not leave the house until Sunday morning!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

Loving that necklace….glad to have found your blog!!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  RedTagChicLosAngeles
10 years ago

Thanks Rebecca! I’m glad you found me too!

josep-maria badia
10 years ago

I love your skirt, the colors are beautiful, has a very nice print. The blue top is wonderful. Magnificent look.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  josep-maria badia
10 years ago

Thank you so much for the kind words!
Debbie 🙂

Mrs C
10 years ago

Leather vest is so awesome! The cut is so Balenciaga and I adore the color. Now, my wallet is in trouble!

MRS JACK OF ALL TRADES (a fashion and life-style blog)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mrs C
10 years ago

The color is what sold me on this vest. It’s different from the expected black.
Debbie 🙂

Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

The galaxy print skirt is cute. 🙂


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Who is that Girl Mo?
10 years ago

Thanks Mo!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

Wow you look amazing! Happy Thanksgiving!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Fashion-isha
10 years ago

Thank you Sharon!
Debbie 🙂

Stylin' In St. Louis
10 years ago

This is such a great mix of colors! Love this look!
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Stylin' In St. Louis
10 years ago

Thanks Jacqueline! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Debbie 🙂

Beata B
10 years ago

Very fun skirt and a gorgeous necklace!! Hugs, Beata 🙂

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Beata B
10 years ago

Thank you Beata!
Debbie 🙂

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

That skirt and necklace are so fun together in the ensemble. Thanks for all the attention about my posts (my grandsons). I didn’t want to commit to Fashion item Friday in-case I just didn’t have time, but I did have some posting time after all, because HM was busy so … I’ll have it up and running next week for sure!!!!!! (hug) Hope your holiday time is great!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Ahhh, but the baby is so darn cute! It’s easy to give him attention!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

“No longer available”…I KNEW it before I even looked. :o) Ok the sweatshirt with the skirt is such a good idea! And these colors are just so dreamy…yeah I dream in bold colors. :o)

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
10 years ago

Ha! I honestly think of you every time I type “No longer available”!
Debbie 🙂

Mica T
10 years ago

That galaxy print skirt is really nice! I like your statement necklace too!

Away From The Blue

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Mica T
10 years ago

Thanks Mica!

Sharon S
10 years ago

Hi there!! Absolutely adore this skirt, I’m hoping to get some leggings in the galaxy print for Christmas! You look fabulous, this is a really stylish and inspiring look!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Sharon S
10 years ago

Hey Sharon! Oooo…galaxy print leggings…hope you get them!
Debbie 🙂

10 years ago

I thought we had it bad with snow, but we definitely don’t have that much! Still, I’m piling on the layers!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel
10 years ago

Ya, we ended up with close to a foot…yuck!
Debbie 🙂

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