Let me point something as to avoid any confusion…I’m actually writing today’s post today. It’s Friday morning right now, so this in real time my friends. Usually I write them at night so today is really yesterday and tomorrow is today…you get what I’m saying, right? Anyway, I mentioned previously that my seamstress mysteriously vanished. After putting some thought into it, I remembered that back in the day I had gone to a lady who did a fab job on this killer red trench coat I had. So yesterday I arrived at her shop with my little pile of clothing, I walked in and greeted her all perky and friendly and whatnot and you know what? She straight up verbally bitch-slapped me. I don’t remember the last time someone (especially someone who owns their own business) was so blatantly rude. I was so taken aback by it that I was speechless. I know you guys don’t actually “know” me in real life, but I think it’s probably apparent through my writing that I take crap from no one. No. One. I give back as good as I get. It would seem though that she absolutely immobilized my ability to verbally decimate someone with her evil laser beam of bitchy.
I finally comprehended the fact that she asked if I would like to make an appointment to come back another day. I stammered and stuttered while mentally mulling over whether I should go across the counter at her like a spider monkey. In the end, I decided to make the appointment because currently I have no one else and I know she can sew well. On the way home I stopped by my dog groomer who helped me track down my beloved seamstress on Facebook (Ya, I know….dog groomer, finds previous seamstress…what??). Hey, I’ve told you, I live in a reaaallly small town area. The dog groomer is kind of like a hair salon as far as being the hub of gossip and information. I messaged said seamstress and am currently awaiting a response.
In about an hour, I’m off to spend some quality time with this lovely new seamstress. Trust me, I’m ready for her this time. I am now impervious to her laser beam of nasty and have my own armed and ready to fire. Hopefully my charm works instead because I’d really like my midi skirts to not be maxi skirts by the time school starts.
This outfit pretty much speaks for itself; white button down blouse, jeans, nude sandals. But I did want to mention my cute little wristlet/cell phone case. This is the pretty little culprit behind the near tragic Dairy Queen debacle. It photographed more gold, but it’s actually rose gold. I do love it, even though it’s kind of difficult to fit my Kindle into it.
Linking up with: Fashion Item Friday, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Passion For Fashion Link Up, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.