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Striped Dress & Plaid Duster: It’s Finally Friday

striped dress, plaid duster, fringe sandals

It’s finally Friday! Well, at least I think it is…isn’t it?

Seriously, I get so freakin’ confused in the summer. No, I’m not complaining. I know that I was fortunate enough to choose a career that affords me the luxury of a few months off every year. But I often have no idea what day of the week it is because I don’t have any kind of a set routine once school is out. It’s especially bad this year because of all of the rain…yes, it’s still raining. We have maybe one day here and there when it isn’t raining and on those days it’s a requirement to get the yard mowed because the previous six days of rain have turned it into a field of knee-high grass. Maybe I should use that to my advantage and take some of those “chick in a field in the middle of nowhere wearing an outfit one would never wear in a field” photos. In any case, being shut up inside makes my day of the week confusion even worse; I feel like a chameleon in a bowl full of Skittles. Good thing I know how to read a calendar.

Sadly, my favorite striped dress and I parted ways a few months back. It was just beat to death and I’ve missed it ever since it’s unfortunate demise. I found this one to replace it at Forever 21. Since it’s been a little bit cool in addition to rainy, I thought my plaid duster would be the perfect lightweight cover up for the dress…and it doesn’t hurt that I got to mix my two favorite prints either. I did the winterized version of the stripes/plaid duster combo here. I love when an item is seasonless like this duster. It’s lightweight enough to work when it’s warm, but it’s also good over heavier items once the temperature drops.

Linking up with: Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Favorite Fashion Friday, Passion For Fashion, Fashion Friday at Mummy’s Got Style, Fun Fashion Friday, Charming Friday.

striped dress, plaid duster, fringe sandals

striped dress, plaid duster, fringe sandalslayered necklaces striped dress, plaid duster, fringe sandals striped dress, plaid duster, fringe sandals


Dress: Forever 21;  Duster: (Old);  Sandals: Payless




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9 years ago

Beautiful post my dear!!! This is my new post Welcome! )

9 years ago

Beautiful Captures=)

Amy Ann
Amy Ann
9 years ago

I love how you used this long plaid duster as a layer over your striped dress. I’ve done the same thing with a shorter striped dress and plaid shirt, but the longer layers are so fun. I loved summer break when I taugh, but it is really strange not to have a routine. I’m a total routine lover.

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

9 years ago

What a fun look today. That plaid duster jacket is totally you and looks fantastic over the striped dress. In love with the 2 sparkly, gorgeous necklaces, Debbie.

Enjoy the weekend my friend. Hugs <3 Ada.

Sandy a la Mode
9 years ago

i LOVE the stripes and plaid!!!

Sandy a la Mode

Liz Lizo
9 years ago

I love how you styled this look. The plaid jacket is definitely a nice touch!

– Liz

9 years ago

Such a fun look! I love the plaid duster over your dress but it looks equally as cute tied around your waist! Pattern mixing at its best! You look great!
I always get mixed up in the summer too with the kids home and not on any real schedule!
Thanks for linking up with “Favorite Fashion Friday”!

9 years ago

Great look Debbie, love these 2 pattens together!!

Thanks for stopping by the weekend blog hop..

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

OMG! One of my Debbie favs right here! And isn’t it wonderful not being sure of the day? 😀
Thanks for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday and have a great weekend!
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

perfect replacement dress looks good on you

9 years ago

This is a fun bold mix.

So sorry you have had so much rain. I will send you down some of our sunshine : )


9 years ago

Beautiful casual dress! Perfect for summer!

Bam Bam
9 years ago

Love this summer outfit. I have always been a fan of stripes and this outfit is so swag

BamBam Blog


9 years ago

Girl you are rocking this look. You have an amazing figure and I love the juxtaposition of tough meets fem. What a great outfit!

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