Conversation Pieces / floral pencil skirt / layered necklaces / Old Navy / pink wedge sandals / Rocksbox / Uncategorized

Striped Top & Floral Pencil Skirt: Turning Heads Tuesday Link Up

A sad, but inevitable turning point happened over the weekend. My daughter, in a surprising turn of events, decided to clean her room. She wasn’t kidding either. She packed up all of her little girl toys and baby dolls to donate. I asked her if she would like to keep her American Girl dolls in case she wanted to play with them. Her answer was, “No. I don’t need them anymore.” That actually brought a tear to my eye. So off they went to the container in the attic that holds special things from her childhood that I will give her when she’s grown up. We then made the road trip to the real mall because she also got rid of most of her clothes because they didn’t fit anymore. She didn’t find one single thing to buy at Justice, which in case you’re out of the little girl loop, is the fashion hotspot for tweens. Do you know where we bought most of her clothes? Forever 21. And no, I do not allow my daughter to dress like a prostitot. She found several very cute tank tops and camis that all fit her and were all perfectly suitable for a girl her age. But this all signals the dawn of a new era…my baby girl is growing up.

I know, I know…the idea of me print mixing is utter craziness. Ya, right. But seriously, do you know what is utter craziness. The fact that I have not posted anything involving print mixing since April 30th. Not sure how that happened. In any case, this striped top and floral pencil skirt rectifies the situation. In my opinion, stripes and florals are two of the easiest prints to mix. I’m not sure why that is, it just is. As with any print mix situation, keep a common thread with your color scheme and you’re good to go. If you’re new to the print mixing game, I’d suggest starting with these two. They are both prints that most people love and/or own, and it’s easy to find commonality in colors when you’re dealing with florals because they typically have many colors within the print.

My lovely friend Jess at Elegantly Dressed and Stylish has bestowed upon me the honor of Co-hosting her weekly Turning Heads Tuesday Link Up. Of course I agreed because link ups are always fun and a great way to meet new bloggers. All we ask is that you kindly follow Jess on Instagram and/or Bloglovin as well as my Instagram and/or Bloglovin. That’s it…now link up and make some new friends!

Linking up with: Turning Heads Tuesday, Confident Twosday, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Reason To Dress, Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me, Random Wednesdays, Wednesday Blog Hop, I Feel Pretty, Style Me Wednesday, The Wednesday Pants, Bless Your Heart Link Up.

striped top, floral pencil skirt, pink wedge sandals

Check out the sweet back details on this top! It makes it just a little more fabulous don’t you think?

striped top, floral pencil skirt, pink wedge sandals striped top layered necklaces striped top, floral pencil skirt, pink wedge sandals


Top: Old Navy; Skirt: Conversation Pieces (Old);  Sandals: Old Navy (No longer available); Druzy crystal necklace: c/o Rocksbox

And now for the Link Up:

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9 years ago

Stripes and floral is the best, I really love this skirt!

9 years ago

Yes to co-hosting with Jess. Love every single thing you have on, especially the 2 necklaces, skirt and sandals. Happy Tuesday Debbie!

9 years ago

Change is hard on us, especially when caused by others. Quite clearly, your daughter is growing up and moving into a new phase of her life. For a mom, that’s a mixed blessing with serious emotional consequences. You have my sympathy for what you’re going through.

Like the outfit. You know I love the skirt ’cause I bought one just like it recently. You wear it better, of course. 🙂

Red Tag Chic Los Angeles
9 years ago

Awwwww welcome to my world Debbie – yes little girls GROW up so fast we just have to live with it and support them in all their endeavors!


9 years ago

Hi Deb, my lovely co-host! Sounds like your litle girl is growin up! Time really flies by. Love this outfit, those sandals are something I would wear if I could, and great job pattern mixing!! Love florals and I could use some stripes in my closet!

Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday
jess xx

9 years ago

Oh I know the feeling of our little girls growing up! I saved my daughter Jean’s dolls and toys for later, but later came and she still doesn’t want them. Oh well, my little 5 year old granddaughter is enjoying them! 🙂

Nice pattern mixing and I love your the criss-cross straps on the back of your top. You look beautiful!

♥ carmen

Amy Ann
Amy Ann
9 years ago

Just realized I hadn’t stopped by only to discover you have a link up now. How fun. Thanks for hosting! Sad about your daughter. They grow up so fast. I loved my American Girl doll. My parents saved mine for me, and now i have her to hopefully pass on to my daughter. I love your stripe and floral combo.

Amy Ann
Straight A Style

9 years ago

This looks so chic and comfortable! Is that allowed??? :o) I mean really, why do girls run around in PINK lounge pants, when they could be just as comfy while looking amazing?


Linda A Cassidy
9 years ago

what a fun look, love this combination

9 years ago

Aww,things like this you remember 🙁 My son leaves school tomorrow,then off to Uni in September.. I am dreading the day 🙁

Loving your skirt Debbie, loving the pops of pink 🙂

Thanks for sharing at the Wednesday blog hop 🙂

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