Okay, perhaps that’s an overstatement. But I have worn stripes two days in a row, so they gotta be cool, right? It always makes me giggle when the fashion gods proclaim that “Brown is the new black” or “Gray is the new black”. Umm…black is black, brown is brown, and gray is gray. Pretty basic stuff. This dress is also pretty basic. Without a few carefully chosen add-ons it would be pretty uninteresting. But I threw on the vest, the brooch, and the red ankle boots and boom! I had an outfit. When you’re putting together something to wear, always look at it with a critical eye and think about what you can add that will make it stand out. Uninteresting or not, this dress is also ridiculous comfortable. It’s like wearing a long soft t-shirt. Comfort is also important, at least for me it is. If I’m feeling at all confined or have to constantly make adjustments to something I’m wearing I just don’t feel good in it. And if you don’t feel your best, you don’t look your best.