Some days I look at my blog photos and think, “Wow, I really nailed the lighting this time.” Others days I delete them and start over. Then there are the days like this one. Not awful, but certainly not my best work. At least I don’t look like a dark shadowy form emerging from the center of a black hole like something in a scary movie. I guess I’m not doing too bad though considering I’ve only had my fancy pants camera since June and my flash since November. I just dislike the cold so much that it will be a rare day you see outside shots in the winter. Outside shots are just so much better…the lighting is easier to work with and the background is way more interesting. But alas, we’re just starting the worst part of winter in these parts so you’ll just have to enjoy my mad styling skills and make believe there’s a warm sunny day in the background.
Linking up with: What I Wore To Work and Three-fer Thursday.