blue tee / / Converse / Forever 21 / Nordstrom / pencil skirt / statement necklace / watercolor print pencil skirt

Style To Inspire Link Up And A Hot Mess: Watercolor Print Pencil Skirt, Blue T-shirt And Converse

     First off, today I am co-hosting the Style To Inspire Link Up with the beautiful Rhea at She is yet another fabulous friend I’ve discovered through blogging. Her style is impeccable and she’s a dog lover…so bonus points there! So, stop by and check out her blog. You’ll be glad you did. And make sure to scroll down and join the link up. We’d love to have you!
     Next, I have to apologize for the less than stellar quality photos this last week. Normally during the school year I try to get my shots after school when the lighting is good. But the middle school does not have air conditioning and the elementary did. What does that have to do with my photos? Well, it’s been in the upper 80’s temperature wise with crazy high humidity, so by the end of the work day I am the poster child for the term “hot mess”. Seriously, if you could look it up in the dictionary my picture would be next to the definition. Therefore, I’ve been taking my blog photos in the morning when the lighting isn’t optimal so they’ve been a bit “noisy”. Hopefully, this week is the official start of declining temperatures and humidity so I no longer look like the witch after Dorothy throws a bucket of water on her in The Wizard of Oz at the end of the day.
     This outfit is very blue-based for a reason. We have dress down day on Fridays in our school district, which means jeans are allowed. But at the middle school I’m required to wear either a school spirit shirt or something royal blue (which in my mind is Blue Devil blue). Talk about crampin’ a girl’s style! This week was way too sweltering for jeans so I went with my watercolor blue skirt, a tee and my Converse sneaks. I’m always a fan of the not quite right pairing, so the Converse and pencil skirt were perfect together. I wasn’t exactly cool, but it sure beat a pair of jeans.

Linking up with: Style To Inspire Blog HopCreative Monday’s Blog Hop and Visible Monday.

Skirt: (Old);  Tee: Forever 21 (No longer available); Converse: Nordstrom


Fellow fashion bloggers, we are all part of this amazing community where we can share our own style and check out other bloggers’ style through our own personal space in the web. Through blog hops / link ups, we discover more blogs to follow, and more outfits that inspire us to shop our closets and come up with a similar outfits!

That is what is amazing about blogging… in our own ways, we inspire and are inspired by our fellow bloggers’ style posts! This is the reason for this weekly blog hop called Style to Inspire, with hopes to be a weekly collection of style posts that reflect the bloggers’ personal style, in turn inspiring new outfit ideas and new connections with fellow fashion bloggers!

Welcome this week’s co-host, Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust!

Link Up Guidelines

1) Please link up a direct link to a fashion post you would like to share.
2) Please follow your host Rhea EtCetera via BlogLovin or Facebook and your co-host Fashion Fairy Dust  via BlogLovin or Facebook.
3) Cohosting opportunities are available – please email for more details.
4) Please link back to this post by using the button below (code provided) or a text link back.
5) Check out other blogs, leave a comment, discover what can inspire you, and have fun!


Link up below! Can’t wait to see what you share!

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Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Haha, had to laugh at the “hot mess” comment. You always look casual, cute, edgy and put-together Debbie. Like today I love this easy look. Love pairing Blue with White, especially for Summer. IRL today those are the 2 colors I am wearing also. I am in love with the skirt.

P.S. Loved seeing you co-host too. I linked up my favorite floral skirt of the moment. I think you’d like it. 😉

Happy Monday Fabulous Debbie!!

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, Debbie – I love your pencil skirt with Converse!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Lovely outfit Deb! I know what you mean, I am dying to wear fall clothes but it is mid 80s here in Chalotte. Blue is a fab color on you!! Cute skirt and love your necklace!
from the link up
please stop by, jess

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Oh, fun! Two of my fave ladies hosting the same linkup! Does this mean if I link up with one of you, it automatically goes to the other? I’ve planned to join Rhea’s on Thursday or Friday and I want to make sure I don’t overlook you too.

Also, I didn’t notice a significant drop of quality in your photos but I guess that’s just testimony to the awesomeness of your outfits, eh? This one, in particular, is a fave but that’s because it’s TARDIS blue. Woot! The color goes so well with your hair! 😀

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

Love both of you ladies! I could not tell the quality of the photos were less than your normal ones – you look great in them. That skirt is so fun and love it with the converse.

BTW, I am hosting my first link up this Thursday and hope you will join me.


Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

The pairing is perfect! You make it quite right instead of not quite right! I’ve always loved your curley hair, but I like it smooth, too!
A linkup! Someday I’ll get my act together … and I’m on our miniscule backup computer that is so slow it’s taking days to get around to Vis Monday! Hope you have a lovely linky!

Rhea D
10 years ago

Skirts + sneaks… always the perfect pair! I totally adore how you styled this skirt, plus I love love that necklace!

Thanks for cohosting this week! Hope you enjoyed it! 😀

rhea @

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