boyfriend jeans / GAP / jeans / moto jacket / Poshmark / Shein / style tips / sweater / target

Suede Moto Jacket & Boyfriend Jeans: It’s Not Fair

suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans

I can’t tell you how many times one of my kids or one of my students has whined, “It’s not fair!”…


…And my standard response is something along the lines of, “Life’s not fair. Get used to it.” Harsh? Maybe. Accurate? In most cases, definitely. Case in point; did you know if someone jacks your debit card information and makes an illegal purchase with your numbers their anonymity is protected and therefore you can’t press charges? Now I’m not talking about some super hacker in some far off land who hacks into gazillions of accounts. In that case pressing charges would be next to impossible. No, I’m talking about some dufus at a local business not five miles from your home who took your card out of your site to swipe it through the card reader and while he was at perhaps snapped a shot of your numbers on his phone. And then decides to use it to download games to his freakin’ Playstation. That’s what I’m talking about. Through process of elimination and some sleuthing my husband and I are 98% certain that’s what went down. But how do you prove that?

While talking to the woman in charge of fraudulent charges at our bank I asked her if when it’s all said and done, I would be able to know if that was indeed what had happened so that I could contact the local police. She told me that unfortunately, the law protects the thief’s rights and therefore I wouldn’t be allowed access to that information. Um, wait…what?  His rights? What about our rights? And what about the nightmare of a mess I’ve had to go through closing the debit card and changing my information with everyone that I use that card to pay bills with? In other words, I had to go to the bank, fill out pages and pages of paperwork and prove the charge is fraudulent while Mr. Gameboy gets a free game with no repercussions. Nice.


This suede moto jacket I recently received c/o Shein has got to be my hands down favorite piece from them so far. Okay…the lace trimmed sweater is running a tight second…but anyways, I do really love this jacket. It’s super lightweight so it works in place of a blazer now while the weather is cold, but it’s also the perfect weight for a cool evening once spring and summer roll back around. And can we talk about the color for a second? It’s a delicious shade of copper/rust that works so well with a plethora of other colors; not to mention it works pretty well with my hair color too. I normally go with a medium or large in jackets depending upon what I plan on wearing them with. I ordered this in a large and the fit was perfect. I paired it with boyfriend jeans because my skinnies have been gettin’ a lot of love lately and the boyfriends were getting jealous. Then I echoed the color of the jacket with the boots and floral print of the scarf to tie it all together.


If you want a monochrome look, but don’t want to go full on monochrome (let’s call it…monochrome lite) then simply add in touches of the primary color you want to use. What I did with this outfit is an example. The color of the jacket was the main color I wanted to feature so I added boots in a similar shade and the print in the scarf also has a rust/copper in it as well. The sweater, while not actually rust, is in the same color family. There you have it; monochrome lite.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans suede moto jacket, leopard clutch, boyfriend jeans

Jacket: c/o Shein;  Jeans: GAP via Poshmark (Similar);  Boots: Aldo (Similar);  Sweater: Target (Similar)

Disclosure: Jacket provided c/o Shein. All opinions are absolutely 100% my own.

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8 years ago

Ugh! So sorry that happened to you…the law makes no sense sometimes. On a brighter note, I do love your jacket!

Susan (
8 years ago

The pink and rust are such a nice color combo! What a shame about the debit card theft, but I wonder if the bank reports these thefts to authorities on their own and doesn’t share that? Would be nice to think the little jerks who steal eventually get their comeuppance.

8 years ago

So sorry the bad guys have won this one – so far! Karma is a bitch though. You look gorgeous in the snow and this jacket is totally IT. xox


Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

Jeez, that is a bummer for you. It’s a mixed up world sometimes. Deep breathes and move on is all you can do, sometimes.
What a gorgeous colour the jacket is and perfect with those boots. Love the simplicity of this outfit made stylish but all the different tones. Lovely.

8 years ago

Not cool. Not cool at all. I hope you get some resolution.

Can I just say how FABULOUS your photos are lately? Did you get a new camera? What did you buy? And what are your settings?

The photos have been so crisp and vivid lately.


8 years ago

Each time I watch your posts, they elict a smile on my face.
Awesome cheerful colors, even if it’s winter and even if it’s snowing.
That’s what I really love about you and your blog.
Your outfit is great in this post is great!!
Best regards,

8 years ago

Monochrome lite! A new fashion term ~ love it!

Bummer about the card and how sad that the stolen funds can’t be traced back to the individual. I certainly don’t understand how this criminal is “protected”.


8 years ago

That suede moto jacket is super fab!!

Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

8 years ago

Gorgeous photos! Nice color combo !

8 years ago

That jacket is super fabulous and looks amazing with your booties! And that story about your debit card-how incredibly ridiculous. I don’t think you should have rights as soon as you break the law!!

8 years ago

loooove this moto jacket! It matches your boots perfectly! I’m obsessed

8 years ago

Oh no I am sorry to hear this Debbie 🙁

Great jacket, lovely pictures 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

Megan Ballard
8 years ago

I love the pattern mixing Debbie! You look great. Thanks for linking up for Confident Twosday. xo~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Debbie I could pretty much snatch all of this from you, only I feel sorry that you’ve already suffered a bit of that recently. So to rephrase that, I love everything you’re wearing and feel I could carry it off too as I’ve got similar hair colouring, but maybe not quite the great figure you have. I tend to use my credit card more nowadays due to the insurance cover that offers. I had £1000 run up on my credit card and when I went to my bank to query it I found out, just by chance, about this benefit.… Read more »

Ana Luiza
8 years ago

Great look Debbie! I love the look of boyfriend jeans with your jacket \
Thanks for linking up on Start the Week Stylish!
– Ana Luiza

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