boyfriend jeans / Brickyard Buffalo / gray v-neck sweater / Levis / Old Navy / plaid infinity scarf / target

Teenagers Aren’t So Bad: Gray Sweater, Plaid Scarf, And Quilted Slip On Sneakers

     You guys already are aware of my affection for teenagers. That was the reason behind me being so pumped to return to the middle school/high school after my years of being at the elementary. Oftentimes people tell me I’m crazy because teenagers are so obnoxious and self-centered. While that may be true, they can also be pretty amazing people.
     Friday evening my husband and I were about a half a block from home when we passed a girl who was probably about 16 walking up the street. She was walking past a yard with a ditch filled with high weeds in front of it. I noticed a small human (maybe a year and a half old) toddling along the weeds following the girl. As we pulled in our driveway, I told my husband that I hoped that baby was with her. I sat in the car with the door open and watched as she continued through the intersection towards us. The baby ran down through the ditch and out into the middle of the intersection after her.
     Now mind you, we don’t live in a booming metropolis, but there is a lot of traffic on our street and for some reason people seem to think it’s a speed limit free zone. There was a UPS truck coming and she looked at me with absolute pure terror on her face. I started to run towards her, but I was much farther away from the baby then she was. This girl ran back and put herself between the baby and the truck with her arms out to stop it from hitting him. The truck stopped, thank God, and I scooped the baby up. We had no idea where he lived nor was he old enough to talk. I assumed he came from the trailer on the corner (Yes, stereotypical I know, but it is what it is.) because that was the yard he’d come from and the door was wide open. She was almost in tears so I told her she could go ahead and leave. But do you know what she said? “No. I’m not going to leave you alone.” I knocked on the open door and no one came. I went inside and called out three times before a woman emerged from the back. I asked her if the baby was hers. Her response was, “Oh my God.” She snatched him from me and darted off into the back of the trailer with nary a thank you. Nice.
     While the mother proved my theory that not just anyone should be permitted to reproduce, the teenage girl restored my faith in humanity. Moral of the story? The next time you see a group of teenagers acting like their typical obnoxious selves, don’t be so quick to judge. There’s probably at least one of them who would risk their lives for a child they don’t even know.
     Okay, enough of the life lessons. Let’s talk clothes. While the gray sweater and boyfriend jeans would be boring on their own, the addition of the plaid scarf and quilted slip on sneakers makes it special. I wasn’t sure I’d love the shoes, but once they got here they stole my heart. They are from Target so they are faux leather, but they don’t look cheap. That’s sometimes an iffy proposition with faux leather. The scarf is from Brickyard Buffalo, a daily deal site I discovered on Instagram. You can’t go wrong with an infinity scarf and it’s plaid. Um, yes please.

Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop (The lovely Claire has honored me with a feature this week so be sure and stop by), Style To Inspire Blog HopMonday Bloom and Share-In-Style.

Sweater: Old Navy (Old);  Jeans: Levis (Old);  Scarf: Brickyard Buffalo;  Shoes: Target

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M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

“Yes, please”, indeed! I love me some plaid and that is a fab scarf! And the shoes – I’d tried them on in store but didn’t fall in love so I passed but they look adorable on you. May have to give them another chance next month? (Yeah, yeah, I already spent my monthly budget; argh.)

Thanks for the story. I’ve been feeling out of sorts with this year’s batch but perhaps this week will be a better week.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

Thanks friend! I’m lovin’ the shoes myself, but you’re more of a heels girl. Here’s hoping for a better week. 🙂

9 years ago

Fantastic Debbie, I love your whole look and your plaid scarf!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Coco
9 years ago

Thank you Coco!

Anna Baun
9 years ago

Oh my goodness! I was just so captivated by this story! I was on the edge of my seat reading, honestly. So glad everything worked out and the teen was there when in need! On a lighter note, this look is perfection! I love the sneakers and the tartan scarf are perfect for fall! XO


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Anna Baun
9 years ago

Thanks so much Anna!

9 years ago

What a story. Good thing she was there and did the right thing at the right time! I have a soft spot for teens, too, which is probably why I love working in a high school so much. Your outfit is reminding me of what it’s usually like to dress for fall! No signs of fall yet, here.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Rachel
9 years ago

I would really miss fall, winter…not so much.

9 years ago

What a cute outfit! What an even better story!!!


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  DressUpNotDown
9 years ago

Thanks JJ!

Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

Oh wow Debbie what a day, glad to here he was ok 🙂 Aww thanks for the mention :):) love this look, great scarf Debbie.. thanks for linking up..

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
9 years ago

Thank you Claire

9 years ago

Fabulousssssssssssssss and I want your shoessssssssssssssss
Thank you so much for joinig Share-in-Style.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  MIS PAPELICOS -Mis P
9 years ago

I always be there my friend!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
9 years ago

What a story!

Poor kid.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
9 years ago

I know, right?!

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