I know, I said no more denim boyfriend shorts. But who knew the summer we never really had would show up at the end of September? Seriously, the last four days have been the nicest stretch of weather we’ve had since I don’t know when. Therefore, out of necessity really, I busted out the shorts for one last hoorah. I didn’t go full on summer with sandals. Instead I stuck with these fabulous plaid slip on sneakers I stumbled upon at JC Penneys. I have a total thing for plaid, so these are my new little loves.
We spent most of this weekend outside because it would’ve been crazy not to. The weird thing is though, even though it felt like summer temperature-wise, I could still feel fall. I think it was probably because the leaves have started to change and the air smells different. It has that yummy fall smell to it that no 80 degree day can mask. Most of the rest of this week is supposed to be warm and for the most part sunny so I’m going to enjoy it while I can because I have a theory. I’m thinking that once this stretch of belated summer runs its course we’re going to jump right into winter. Not that I want it that way, but the luck we’ve had with weather in the last year makes me think Mother Nature is one vicious bitch.
Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop, Style To Inspire Blog Hop, Monday Bloom and Share-In-Style.