concert tee / denim vest / Ebay / leopard print pencil skirt / statement necklace / TJ Maxx

The Advantages Of Rural Living: Leopard Pencil Skirt, Concert Tee And Denim Vest

    No, I’m not going to wax poetic in regard to country living. Come on now, you guys know me better than that…I’ve got a good story for you. Where else can you drive down the road and see a cow tied to a tree in someone’s front yard? You know, like they put their family dog outside for some fresh air…except it’s a cow. And then only a day later see a man walking his Great Dane. Wait a minute. What’s so special about that? Well, this particular Great Dane was wearing leather saddle bags and carrying stuff. Like a pack mule. Or a Harley with four legs. The cool thing? These two scenarios happened on the same stretch of road about a mile apart. Maybe the dude with the Great Dane also owned the cow. This of course leads me to some intriguing questions. Where does the cow live? Where does it sleep? Does it have a cow bed in the house or maybe it sleeps on the couch? And how about the Great Dane? Does he get paid for transporting goods? Are his saddle bags custom made doggie saddle bags? Are he and the cow friends? Okay, okay…I’ll stop, because honestly, I could go on with these questions for quite awhile.
     I decided to go a little bit rocker chick with this outfit. I figure even though the shoes have studs, they’re flats so that toned it down a notch or three. The tee is my husbands…I simply “borrowed” it. We saw Matchbox Twenty waayyy back in 2001, and that’s where this tee came from. Almost vintage right? Oddly enough, I used the denim vest to “dress it up” a bit. Denim isn’t necessarily dressy, but it did add some visual interest.

Linking up with:  Style Sessions Fashion Link UpConfident TwosdayTrend Spin Link UpTremendous TuesdaysRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayHump Day Blog Hop.

Skirt: Ebay (Old);  Vest: Unknown;  Shoes: TJ Maxx (Old)

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9 years ago

Loving your leopard skirt and that tee!

9 years ago

LOVE that leopard skirt with those shoes! Sooo cute! This is definitely a look I could see myself wearing. It has an awesome edgy feel to it

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

Hi Deb, and oh darn! I was so ready to look up those shoes, they are hot ! love the detailing. I am a fan of leopard and love the skirt. Great styling, and the cow story, funny!!
from the link up
please stop by, jess

9 years ago

I think this is definitely my favorite look on you, very edgy yet casually chic. Funny story 🙂 Rachel xo

9 years ago

Cute outfit, Debbie! I just saw the cutest flippy, leopard skirt at the Banana Republic outlet yesterday. I haven’t stopped thinking about it, so it looks like I may be returning to get it!

I’ve seen Great Dane’s that look as big as horses. They’re not Great for nothing 😉

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

you look amazing and I love borrowing kents tee’s too. PS I have tied the cat out in my yard but never a cow lol

9 years ago

I’m thinking the neighbor didn’t feel like mowing the yard, so the cow was tied out to take care of the job. :o)

Looooove this outfit. Yep, you’re the coolest!


Mica T
9 years ago

I really like the tee and pencil skirt combination – something I wear a lot! 🙂

I know I’ve been a very bad blog-reader lately being so busy with baby, but it’s great to come read your blog again. I love how you do little stories at the beginning of each post – I almost always get a giggle out of it. I had a blast picturing the great dane with the saddlebags! Shame I just have a little Shih Tzu so I can’t put him to work carrying my purchases home, hehe! 🙂

Away From The Blue

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

I always enjoy your stories! How small of a town do you live in and just curious do you know everyone in your town? I grew up in Hawaii and I swear everyone knows everybody. Those studded flats are too fun!

P.S. I hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.


Victoria Mason
9 years ago

Oh my goodness! I love that skirt with those shoes and that necklace!!! Gorgeous!

Come link up with me at Whatcha Wearing Wednesday!

Elegance and Mommyhood
9 years ago

Hahahaa the cow story is hilarious. Your posts always crack me up. You do look great though. You have the layers mastered up, Debbie.

Welcome by sometime. And Happy October 1st, Pretty Lady!

9 years ago

Love the skirt & those killer shoes!!!!


Monica Roese
9 years ago

So cute! I love this whole outfit! I’m really loving your hair!

9 years ago

Fun outfit. Great shoes. Interesting observations on country living.

I live in a suburb. Once, I rode my motorcycle out to the East End which is more country. I approached what looked like the ugliest dog ever. As I got closer, I suddenly realized he was a goat!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
Reply to  Shybiker
9 years ago


Suzanne Carillo Style Files
9 years ago

That sounds like you might have passed into bizarro-land. I’m sure it makes for some interesting conversations though. Next time you need to take photos!


Induffinitely Me
9 years ago

LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit! I cannot even get over that skirt, it is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for linking up again! I enjoy your questions, the cow should definitely have a bed and the dog should definitely get paid, without question!

Hugs! Amber

Renae of Simple Sequins
9 years ago

Great ensemble, my friend. I just bought a dress like your skirt, yesterday at Savers for $6 (Chico brand) I could easily wear a graphic T on top of it like you have your T ! Thanks for your love and inspiration all the time!!! (feels so great to be back) ♥, Renae

9 years ago

Debbie, that leopard print skirt is absolutely fabulous! You sure know how to rock the animal print!

Lauren xo
Sophisticated In Style

Kacie Ellis
9 years ago

Haha! A great dane with a saddle bag! That would be a funny site! Love your outfit! The pencil skirt is classy while the print is wild…love it!

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