faux fur vest / Gypsy Threads / Kohl's / layered necklaces / striped 3/4 sleeve top / striped tee / target / Walmart

The ‘Bombubble Snow Man: Faux Fur Vest, Faux Leather Skirt And Striped Tee

     Those of you who have been around for awhile know that I have about 1,246 reasons why I shouldn’t be an elementary teacher, hence my excitement when I returned to the middle school/high school this year. Well, here’s reason 1,247. Today I had to fill in at the elementary (it’s a long story), and I had this outfit on. At the middle school I would have heard something along the lines of, “Cool outfit Mrs. Stinedurf! Did ya kill a bear?” At the elementary school this is what I heard from a 2nd grader I passed in the hallway, “Oh look, it’s the ‘bombubble snowman!” Ya, thanks for that eight year old fashion critic. Actually, it cracked me up…but like I’ve always said, small people don’t get me. Not my sarcasm, and apparently not my style.
     With that being said, I love this vest more each time I wear it. It’s soft and cozy and the cut is just right for my elfin size. I picked up the striped tee for about $4 on clearance at Walmart recently. None of my longer sleeved striped tees were black and white so it was four bucks well spent. I layered slouchy boot socks under my boots, but they didn’t show up well in the photos because of the gray overcast yuckiness that’s going on around here. Trust me though, they looked fab and kept me plenty warm.

Linking up with: Confident TwosdayTremendous TuesdaysCelebrate Southern Link UpBloggers Who Have Inspired MeStylish TuesdayTrend Spin Link UpPersonal Style MondayRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayBeautiful YouI Feel Pretty Link Up.

Vest: Kohl’s (No longer available);  Tee: Walmart (In store purchase);  Skirt: Gypsy Thread (No longer available);  Boots: Target (Old)

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10 years ago

Your vest is so cute….I had a student pet me the last time I wore mine…not cool lol

Laura B
10 years ago

Too funny! I love that vest! It’s great with your striped tee!

M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Yes, the vest is killer, but let’s talk about your hair for a minute – is this your winter color? Or is it just a trick of the light? Regardless, it’s fierce and je l’adore!

10 years ago

This outfit just wouldn’t be the same without your cute glasses! Love!


10 years ago

Kids say the darnedest things. (There used to be a TV show of that name; you’re probably too young to remember it.)

The vest is lovely. It reminds me of how my first girlfriend would tease her friends wearing faux-fur. “Oh, that’s horrible! Even worse than wearing real fur! Do you know how they make those?? They have to kill stuffed animals!!”

Anna Baun
10 years ago

Kids are so cute, aren’t they? I love, love your vest! I need to break mine out soon as well! XO


Jan Graham-McMillen
10 years ago

You are NOT bombubble … NOT BOMBUBBLE! NOT BOMBUBBLE! NOT BOMBUBBLE (picture me sitting on the floor, kicking my heels to the tempo of my own temper tantrum. ) Let me at that 8 year old … I think I can take ‘um!
Seriously … very chic, and so beautiful you need to remember this combination to wear on date night. Youth is so wasted on the young …. sigh.

10 years ago

Haha! I don’t even know what that kid means by calling you that, but you look great and I love the fur vest. I love teaching (substitute teaching even) little ones as they say the dar-nest things. Thank you for linking this post up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me” today. Rachel xo

10 years ago

Ahaha that is so funny and too cute 😀 You look fab btw!! x

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

HAHA .. I love your school stories! I’m not sure how I would do with the little kids. I’ve never been around little kids much. But I know teenagers! One told me the other day that I was his most fashionable teacher and I shot back “I bet the competition wasn’t too tough” …. 😉 Anyway, love your “bombubble snowman” outfit! Very cool, chic and pretty!
Dawn Lucy
Fashion Should Be Fun

nora gouma
10 years ago

Love to visit this amazing blog. Great!!!!


Idu Emeziem
10 years ago

That is too funny. I relate cos I am a kindergarten teacher. But you look amazing!

Merrie K.
10 years ago

I adore how you paired you Fur Vest with your leather skirt…the fur vest adds glamorous heat to your look. It is stylish and modish!


10 years ago

HAHAHA Kids! FUNNY! Great outfit though! And awesome top for only four dollars! As always, thanks for joining J and me for the celebrate southern linkup! 🙂 Cheers!

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