Forever 21 / fuzzy sweater / PacSun / plaid pants / statement necklace / target

The Frog Plague And An Amazon Giveaway: Plaid Pants, Blue Fuzzy Sweater And Black Ankle Boots

     I’ve mentioned before that I have a peculiar obsession with end of the world movies and books. Love them…actually I devour them; even the occasional lame and cheesy variety. The really good ones are way more entertaining and scary to me than a horror film, but the low budget ones can be just as entertaining from a comedy standpoint.  I spent all of Sunday afternoon watching a series of Lifetime-esque end of the world movies on one of our movie channels. Huge, giant cheeseball movies that due to their cheeseballness had some seriously hilarious moments. Before I share one of my favorite moments let me also point out that I love poison dart frogs. They’re beautiful, tiny and deadly. When you’ve got those three adjectives all together in one package, what’s not to love?
     So what would make a low budget end of the world movie even more fabulous? A poison dart frog attack that’s what. Who ever the crack smokin’ genius is that came up with the idea to tie those two things together is in my opinion a screenwriting god. Why would you even think to include poison dart frogs in an end of the world movie? I can’t answer that my friends, but I can tell ya, it definitely added that little extra somethin’.
     I wore this outfit a few weeks ago, but hadn’t got around to posting it yet. Mainly because I’m lookin’ a little cranky in most of the shots. That would be because it was dark, gloomy and raining. Yes, it was full on raining by the time I got done with these. That’s some serious blog dedication ladies and gentlemen.
     I gotta tell ya, this sweater is just as soft as it looks. It’s like wearing a bunch of blue angora kittens for a sweater. And since the blue played so nicely with the plaid pants from Target I decided they would make a fine outfit, which despite the ugly weather, they did. I would have worn the matching blazer over top, but the sweater was a bit too bulky. But that’s the beauty of a good suit; it works just as well as separates as it does as a suit.

Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog HopStyle To Inspire Link UpLet It Shine Link UpPersonal Style MondaysHow I FallVisible Monday.

Sweater: Forever 21;  Pants: Target;  Booties: PacSun (In-store purchase)
Take a minute and enter the Amazon Giveaway!
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Prize: $400 Amazon Gift Card
Giveaway organized by: Oh My Gosh Beck!
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter form to enter daily. Giveaway ends 1/21 and is open worldwide. Winner will be notified via email and can opt for an Amazon gift card or cash via Paypal.
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Doused In Pink
9 years ago

Blue is definitely your color! Those plaid pants are perfect for the season and I love your statement necklace!

Doused In Pink

9 years ago

Your fuzzy sweater is so cute, love the color! And I love poison dart frogs too 🙂

9 years ago

Great look, Debbie – I love the plaid trousers rolled up and the cool booties. Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xox.

Anna Baun
9 years ago

You crack me up! This post was a great way to kick my Monday blues 🙂 Not to mention, I am loving these plaid pants and fabulous furry sweater! XO


9 years ago

Cute outfit. Nice colors. I’m a big fan of post-apocalyptic movies. I’ve seen every “Mad Max” and similar films. We should compare favorite movies sometime.

9 years ago

What a lovely angora sweater, I used to own a blue one and loved it. Rachel xo

une femme
9 years ago

That azure? Cerulean? blue is so gorgeous on you!

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

I love this blue, it is so bright and pretty, needed on such a crummy day as this outside ( where i live). Looks great with the plaid as well.
from the link up,

please stop by, jess xx

Mel Menjivar
9 years ago

Cranky or not still a great look Love the plaid pants!
9 years ago

I love the outfit. Melanie @

Jeannette Perez
9 years ago

Dear Debbie, scary, end of the world movies are not my thing but I will admit I had a lot of fun reading what you wrote about them:-) You are super funny and beautiful! Perfect combination. That blue fussy sweater is super cute and the way you styled it is phenomenal. Those plaid pants are beautiful and they fit you really well. Thanks for sharing my sweet friend. XOXO, Jeannette

Jan Graham-McMillen
9 years ago

Looking beautiful in that cool-classic outfit, young lady. Love the plaid pants … I’ve got a pair that I hope I can make work. We shall see.
Happy New Year, Debbie, to you and the whole family. I hope 2014 finds you in good health, happiness, prosperity and in your own fabulous style!

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