boyfriend jeans / Forever 21 / layered necklaces / Old Navy / Payless / printed slip ons / white t-shirt / white tee

The Funny Thing About Life: Boyfriend Jeans, White Tee And Striped Slip On Sneakers

     It’s a strange thing how it takes us about half of our life to get to the place where we’re pretty much content and happy with our world all things considered. It seems that about the time our bodies start going south, our brains and hearts really start to figure things out. I’m not a religious kind of girl, but maybe that’s the trade off God thought was fair…your ass sags, but your heart is full and happy. I’ll take the happy heart any day, but it would be kinda cool if I could have it along with a fine ass and no wrinkles. Ah well, I guess a girl can’t have everything. Enough with the deep philosophical thoughts, lets get shallow and talk clothes shall we?
     It wouldn’t be a normal week if I didn’t throw in a pair of boyfriend jeans, now would it? So here ya go. This was a motoring around town gettin’ crap done outfit. Plain and simple; boyfriend jeans, a white tee and slip on sneakers. Sometimes plain and simple is best and makes your heart just the tiniest bit happier.

Linking up with:  Fashion Item FridayPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesShare-In-Style and Casual Friday Link Up.

Jeans: Old Navy;  Tee: Forever 21 (In store purchase);  Shoes: Payless (In store purchase)
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10 years ago

Tell me about it.. boyfriend jeans are constantly in rotation in my wardrobe but these 95+ degree temps are not jean friendly. I’ve missed wearing them! LOVE those striped flats!
Nikki at

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Nikki
10 years ago

Ya, I think I abuse the privilege though…ha! We had a day last week in the 60’s…it was random and the only day I would even consider jeans!

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

A lovely casual look! I love the shoes, and I love boyfriend jeans too! I have a collection of jeans, but since my illness, I have sensitivity in my legs, so IF I can wear jeans I like boyfriend, and the light color is perfect
from the link up , jess
please drop by

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Yep, boyfriends are definitely my fave!

Aurora Berill
10 years ago

What a lovely look! Have a nice weekend!

Win a Georgie & Elaine dress! Enter HERE:


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Aurora Berill
10 years ago

Thank you Aurora!

Kari S
10 years ago

I got one word for you…..squats.:) Love the jeans, shocked to see they where Old Navy, I guess it’s time to go back and give them another whirl!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Kari S
10 years ago

Ha! True, but I’ve always found lunges, particularly walking lunges with heavy weight to be far more effective at perking up the butt. Ya, Old Navy has kicked it up a notch in the last 6 months or so.

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Aww I know, I just posted a new profile picture on facebook then I went back on and notice a spare tyre around my waist. To late to remove it as I got lots of likes lol!! great outfit Debbie, love your jeans. I had my shades on today, just like yours 🙂

Thanks for linking up to the weekend blog hop..

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Awww…that sucks! I think you look fabulous my friend!

10 years ago

I think you look super fab in this outfit, I love the slip ons. Certainly no signs of sagging in this!


J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all
10 years ago

Those slip-ons are perfect! Love the laid back look. Have a great weekend!

Maricel @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Are you sure you’re not a SoCal gal at heart? You epitomize the California vibe like a true native and actually put me to shame. I wish I could rock a tee like you!

And yes, I feel so much more comfortable with my body and my style and I finally taught myself to use makeup two years ago. I wish I had all this awareness and knowledge earlier so I’d have had more opportunities for fun fashion.

10 years ago

So true. Unfortunately it will be a lot more years before I work things out and feel happy.
Always love your posts and outfits.

10 years ago

I really like your layered necklaces and striped shoes!

Renae of Simple Sequins
10 years ago

Yes, I love the line regard your heart vs your ass. LOL And …where would we be this week without a post with the boyfriend jeans, really? Your style ROCKS! Love you – girlfriend! My daughter gave me a key like that for Mother’s Day, My has a heart on it. awh~

Thanks for being at *FiF* each week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

You look great in BF jeans and I love those cute sneakers! Yeah, true true about midlife ….
Dawn Lucy

Mag KP
10 years ago

Cool look. Boyfriend jeans and white top – this is it!

10 years ago

Nothing beats this look Debbie…..a white tee is always a winner!


Sacramento Amate
10 years ago

Thank you sooooooooo much for being part of the Share-in-Style family.
Happy Sunday evening

10 years ago

Great casual style Debbie…hope you are enjoying the weekend:)

10 years ago

Great casual wear! I really like your shoes, they look so comfortable 🙂 xx

Signe Savant
10 years ago

I wouldn’t want to get crap done looking any other way! 🙂
: signe : : the daily savant
I also have a STYLE CHALLENGE going on now! I hope you’ll enter!

10 years ago

These jeans are fabulous on you, and I love your shoes! Stripes are the best!

Lorena B
10 years ago

Un look estupendo, me encantan ese tipo de zapatillas, besos

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