Yesterday my daughter and I had a movie date and we went to see Maleficent. Have you seen it? If not, I highly recommend it. It’s not your run of the mill Disney film. Yes, of course there was a beautiful princess and a happy ending. C’mon now, it’s Disney. But it really made you think about why people are the way they are and the duality of personality within a single individual; a person isn’t always who they appear to be. A person can be pure evil or pure good, but typically it’s way more complicated than that. Maleficent did do an evil deed, sure. I mean it’s seriously not cool to put a curse on an infant, but I gotta say, she had a really solid reason for doing it. During the course of the film she came to understand the error of her ways and did what she could to right the wrong. She truly was a good person who had simply been blinded by her pain and judged based solely on one action. I can relate to that.
And maybe most importantly, she was a fairy. Who knew? I love fairies, absolutely love them. Yes, I have the sense of humor of a 13 year old boy and the tastes of a 10 year old girl. So what? The best part was she wasn’t your run of the mill Tinkerbell type of fairy. Oh no, she was a bad ass fairy. Now that’s a fairy I can get into. She just might be my new hero.
How sweet are these coral lounge pants? I have a gazillion pairs that I collected over the winter, but I wanted a pair that was more suited to summer. I’m pretty sure these hit the mark. It doesn’t get more summer than coral, now does it? It was super hot yesterday, but I paired them with the turquoise hoodie because it’s notoriously cold in movie theaters. Good call on my part.
Linking up with: Stylish Tuesday, Style To Inspire Link Up and Style Sessions Fashion Link Up.