I love this t-shirt. It makes me think of our daughter because we tell her that we love her “more than all the stars in the sky” and that’s what the graphic reminds me of…all the stars in the sky. Of course it doesn’t hurt that it is super soft and drapes perfectly either.
I think sometimes women feel that once they reach a certain age graphic tees, sweatshirts, sweaters, or really anything involving a graphic is too young for them to get away with. In my opinion that’s one of those outdated “fashion rules” that some ambiguous fashion god came up with without any solid basis in reality. Now I’m not saying you should be running around in sweats that have “Love Pink” emblazoned across your butt. That’s pushing it. But then again, I’m not a fan of twenty-one year olds running around with words on their butts either. You also have to be sure that the picture or words aren’t anything that leans too far on the tween side because then you might be pushing your luck. For example, a concert tee is cool, but a One Direction concert tee…maybe not so much. I think done right, a graphic top can look cool, tasteful, and fun without it seeming as if you’re trying to hard. If you’re gonna wear it, own it!
Linking up with: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up and Stylish Tuesdays.
And now for this week’s gratuitous puppy pic: