floral joggers / Forever 21 / plaid scarf / target

Floral Print Joggers & Plaid Scarf: The Most Incredible Timing Ever

I don’t know about you, but other drivers often irritate me with their lack of manners and utter disregard for the safety of everyone around them. About a million times in my life I’ve thought, “Man, I wish there was a cop here right now.” Yesterday the magic happened, and I was as happy as if someone had given me a $500 Target gift card. (Well, at least pretty close to that happy. Because a $500 gift card? To Target? Seriously?) Forgive me, I digress.
I was on my way to the store and was coming up on one of the side street/intersections near my house. A police cruiser was waiting for me to pass so he could turn left on to the street. Now mind you, the only two vehicles on the road, and in broad daylight, are myself and the cruiser. I see a car barreling towards the intersection on the side street. I thought they would surely stop since, well, you know…they had a stop sign and a police cruiser was right there in front of their face. Ummm…no. I cannot tell you how they did not hit the ass end of my jeep. The car dropped in so tight behind me I could see the food caught in the guy’s teeth in my rear view mirror. The police officer immediately did a U-ie and turned on his lights. I actually laughed out loud and did a happy dance in my seat. Seriously. I did. The best part? When I came back from the store about fifteen minutes later he still had the guy pulled over. I did what any mature adult would do and waved and smiled at them.
I decided a little print mixing was in order when I put this together. So I used two of my favorite prints, plaid and floral. As you guys know, I always try to be completely authentic and only share with you what I actually wear. And if for some reason I don’t, I tell you. I actually wore the quilted slip on sneakers, but knew beyond a doubt the ankle booties looked better. But my foot was being particularly ornery so I had no choice but to go with the sneakers. In any case, I wanted to show you both ways…the reality and the way it should have been.
Be sure to stop by and visit Claire today for her Creative Monday’s Blog Hop. My Where’s Waldo look from last week is one of her featured posts.

Also linking up with: Style To InspireShare-In-StyleVisible Monday.

floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers floral joggers, plaid scarf, slip on sneakers

Pants: Forever 21 (Old);  Sweater: Target: (Old);  Scarf: Etsy (Old);  Shoes: Target


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9 years ago

I always think the same thing when people do stupid thinks on the road…where is a cop when you need one? lol At least this particular jerk got caught 🙂 Your floral pants are super cute!

Sandy Dierickx
9 years ago

40 and fab! just like me! and we are both red heads! 🙂

Doused In Pink
9 years ago

Loving those floral pants! Such a cute look!


Suzanne Carillo Style Files
9 years ago

LOL Great story. That never happens. It like seeing a double rainbow.


Mica T
9 years ago

Nice print mixing! 🙂

It is rather fun when you see the cops being there at just the right time, haha! 🙂 I saw a ute doing an illegal u-turn at the lights…..with a cop car immediately behind them. I had a good giggle as the policeman rolled his eyes and turned on his lights to pull the ute over. So funny to watch!

Away From The Blue

9 years ago

Love that story! It’s only happened to me once, and I did have to wave and smile too. Plus, how fab do you look? Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday, xo.

9 years ago

Great story:) Love this look so cute, the red plaid scarf looks perfect with the black and white!!

Elegance and Mommyhood
9 years ago

What a fantastic story, Debbie. And those are some great pants, also.

Edwige Foltek
9 years ago

Fabulous! Loving the plaid scarf paired with these pants!!!
Edwige |

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

You look great. Love those floral joggers, they look so comfy!! The scarf is very pretty as well and adds some additional color to your outfit. Love the slip ons too.
from the link up
please stop by, jess xx

9 years ago

Amazing Story !! Your look is gorgeous, dear Lady. Love your pants especially, have a wonderful week.

Jeannette Perez
9 years ago

Wow Debbie! You look beautiful today! LOve your hair, makeup and the glow you radiate. When I saw the picture on IG I was like: ” I must go to her blot and see how the look turned out with the sneakers!” and I have to say I like it. I actually voted for the booties but the sneakers look great too. Love the mix of patterns and textures. You did a great job putting together the outfit. And regarding your experience with the reckless driver, you have no idea how many times I have wished the same. I am… Read more »

Jan Graham-McMillen
9 years ago

Yes … this is the cutest outfit! I’m completely in awe of how well this simple styling works. And you look so easy-peazy adorable… be proud of your mixing skills! Every piece a winner … the plaid scarf is genius.I so get why you were thrilled with the swift administration of justice! One night, when coming home late from the restaurant, we came close to being run off a steep drop by a big old truck going about 80 miles an hour. I no more got out ” There’s never a cop around when you need one…” when the very… Read more »

9 years ago

I love your slip-ons Debbie!!
Coco et La vie en rose – Valeria Arizzi

Ivana Split
9 years ago

I like how you mixed prints…fabulous scarf and pants…
and the slip-ons are adorable!!!!

J. Elle
9 years ago

What a nice happy ending!

You look super cute in both of these looks. I like both, but think the booties are my favorite. I am a stickler like you and only post what I actually wear.

9 years ago

Great print mixing.
Thank you sooooooooooooo much for being part of Share-in-Style once more.

9 years ago

Thanks for showing us both shoe options. :o)

I did a happy dance for you when reading your story!!!


Mrs C
9 years ago

Love the quilted slip-ons, they’re super cute! We risk our lives driving (or walking even) in Dubai everyday. It’s appalling the lack of respect these people have for the pedestrians, road signs and other drivers in general. A person have more chance getting run by a car at zebra crossing here than anywhere else.. they just don’t stop!

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