camo jacket / denim joggers / Ebay / embroidered camo jacket / gray sweater / high heeled work boots / layered necklaces / Old Navy / target / Tilly's

Embroidered Camo Jacket & Denim Joggers: The Mysterious Missing Cow


Do you guys remember the story from a few weeks back about the pet cow tied to the tree?…


…If you need a refresher, click here, trust me, it’s worth the click. Anyway, my daughter and I went by that house the other day on our way to the “big” mall. (How sad that it’s “big” because it has a Target and an Old Navy…ha!) The cow was nowhere to be found; not on the way to the mall, not on the way home from the mall. A friend of mine at work lives near the cow house and he said that it’s been there since it was a calf, and he knew this because his kids always request that he drive by so they can see the pet cow tied to the tree. Now mind you, the house where the cow lives is not on a farm…there’s no barn, no pasture, nothing remotely cow-like. So where in the hell was the cow?! I asked my daughter where she thought the cow was and her immediate response with absolutely no wait time was, “Um, in their bellies.” I busted out laughing because quite honestly, I was thinking the same thing. They lulled the poor thing into a sense of complacency because it thought it was the family pet and then they gobbled it up. I don’t know really. Maybe the cow is just on a cow-cation with it’s cow friends.


This jacket has got to be one of my all time favorites. I scored it on Ebay a year or two ago and I wear it a lot. I like that the embroidery makes it different from your standard issue camo jacket. And these boots!? Everyone knows that any sensible work boot should have a two to three inch stacked heel, right? That ‘s why I fell in love immediately. They are just a bit odd, which makes them fabulous in my book.

Linking up with:  Style Sessions Fashion Link UpConfident TwosdayTremendous TuesdaysTrend Spin Link UpCelebrate Southern Link UpRandom Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said SoStyle Me WednesdayWednesday Blog Hop and Hump Day Blog Hop.
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Jacket: Ebay;  Jeans: Tilly’s;  Sweater: Old Navy;  Boots: Target


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9 years ago

Really love that jacket, the back is so cute!

Signe Savant
9 years ago

Bahahahahah! Every cow deserves a cow-cation once in a while, right? Please keep me posted on this situation! I’m kind of concerned about the cow…

M @ My Closet Catalogue
9 years ago

The embroidery on that jacket is choice! Great score on eBay! And yes, the boots may seem odd but they fit this outfit perfectly and you’re making me long more and more for fall. Argh! Our forecast remains in the high 80s all week. No fair!

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

those boots, love them and please keep us up to date if the ” cow comes home”

Jessica Jannenga
9 years ago

Aww. Poor cow, didn’t have a clue with no other cow friends around? Love the jacket wit the detailing on you, and they are some cool boots
from the link up
please stop by, jess xx

9 years ago

No, that jacket definitely is not “standard issue”. :o)


J Trogstad
9 years ago

Your boots= amazing! target, huh? I may have to steal your boot trend! LOVE these booties! Did I mention that I love your camo jacket too?

Join us for the Celebrate Southern link up today! Anyone and everyone is welcome to join dear! I would love to see you there! xoxo

J @ Bless Her Heart Y’all

Jeannette Perez
9 years ago

I am really sad for the cow…. Maybe she thought she was their pet and th…:-(. Anyways, Love the camo jacket, very edgy and chic at the same time. The boots are super cute too! You look amazing as always! Take care, Jeannette

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

LOL…too funny about the cow but said at the same time. If a cow or a pig was a family pet, I am not sure I could eat it. BTW…so love your camo jacket…stunning!!


P.S. Hope to see you this Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.

Elegance and Mommyhood
9 years ago

Such a funny cow story first of all. You always have the most unique stories. Those denim joggers and booties are awesome (love the heels) and look at the fun embroidery on your camo jacket. =)

9 years ago

Your jacket is SO FUN! I love the detail on it! Thank you so much for joining J and myself {} for our third Celebrate Southern Linkup! I’m pinning your post to our official Celebrate Southern Pin Board now! 🙂 xxoo

Lorna mai ltd
9 years ago

Love your cow story Debbie. I’ve gotten so many individual pieces on ebay! Love your camo jacket with the fun detail on the back. A fantastic casual look!

J Trogstad
9 years ago

I know that I’ve already mentioned how much i love those boots and your camo, but I also wanted to say thanks for joining the Celebrate Southern link up! I hope to see ya back next week dear! 🙂

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