Over the last year I’ve purchased an item here and there from Nordstrom the last purchase being my much loved Converse sneaks. Once I started paying attention I realized there are some pretty good deals to be had. And they offer free shipping both ways, I mean seriously, who does that? I’ve seen their annual sale mentioned on other blogs and whatnot, but again I wasn’t really paying attention. And then BANG!! They send me an annual sale catalog. At that point it was all over; I had been sucked into the black hole. There was a skirt and a sweater in the catalog that I. Had. To. Have. Would life as I know it end if I didn’t have them? No. Would the sun still rise tomorrow if I missed out? Yes. But you guys know what I mean…that feeling you get when you see something that you don’t just love, but it calls to your soul? Okay, maybe that’s a little overboard, but in any case I needed that skirt and sweater in my life. Who doesn’t need another sequin skirt to wear to work? A girl can never have too many sequins in her life. And could I wait until the sale actually started? Hells no. I had to have early access so I signed up for Nordstrom Rewards membership and got a debit card through them so I could shop the sale a week early. Whoever is in charge of their advertising/marketing is an evil wizard I tell you.
So how about the colors in this sheer high/low tank top? Even though it’s sheer, the colors are so vivid and bright. It just kind of screams summer. Can’t you hear it through your computer? I teamed it up with my denim shorts because, come on, I haven’t worn them this week. And of course nothing finishes an outfit like a pair of Converse.
Linking up with: Fashion Item Friday, Passion For Fashion Link Up, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, Style Elixir’s Friday Fab Favorites and Casual Friday Link Up.