This first little snippet has absolutely nothing to do with a seamstress nor an attic. But it was just too good not to share with my peeps. Today while loading groceries into the back of Ruby (What??? Your vehicle doesn’t have a name? Well it should.) I overheard the following conversation in the next row. He said, “Do ya wanna have sex in the car before we go in?” She replied, “Nah. Not right now.” Um what? Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for creative recreational activities and whatnot. But it was 12:30 P.M. And I do not live in Alaska where it’s dark sometimes even during the day. It was broad daylight. And this was a serious conversation they were having. I don’t care who you are, that’s just funny.
Now onto more important things…namely the seamstress appointment and my attic discoveries. I went to the seamstress Friday determined to charm her into submission. I have to say, job well done. It took awhile to get her warmed up, but once I got her chatting we were good to go. See, I’m not always an anti-social beast. When I want to I can be quite the charmer if I do say so myself. I don’t pull that particular super power out of the deep freeze very often, but when I do, watch out baby. Now I can get my clothes altered and not have to worry about being stabbed with fabric shears.
I have been quite proud of my absolutely ruthless and bloodthirsty attic purge. I often take way too much time mulling over whether or not to keep something. Not this time. I figure if I haven’t missed it after all these years, I don’t need it. But I happened upon three different pairs of plaid shorts and a cable knit button up sweater vest that belonged to my husband back in the day. I mean waaayy back in the day. I tried them on, they fit, they were cool, so I washed ’em up and made them mine.
The shorts are comfortable and I love them. The husband on the other hand, hates them. He says they give me an old man butt. But I don’t care. They’re fabulous, and besides, he and I both know I ain’t got no old man butt under those shorts. Since they are men’s shorts I figured I’d “girly” them up a bit with the sequin tee and platform sandals. As always, I kept it light on the jewelry and let the sequins do the talkin’.
Linking up with: Creative Monday’s Blog Hop, Style To Inspire Link Up, Mix It Monday, Style Confessions Link Up and Monday Bloom.