blue skater skirt / / burgundy ankle boots / floral graphic sweater / JustFab / Nordstrom / skater skirt / statement necklace

The September Chickens Issue: Floral Sweater, Blue Skater Skirt And Burgundy Ankle Booties

     If you are at all like me, each year as summer winds down, you eagerly anticipate the September issues of all of the fashion magazines. I mean those suckers are juicy…when they arrive it’s like when I was a little kid and the Sears Christmas catalog finally came in the mail. Oh, the anticipation! Well, apparently that is also true for fans of poultry.
     The other day I was in line at Tractor Supply to buy dog food. As I waited I absentmindedly scanned the racks by the checkout. And there it was….the September issue of Chickens Magazine. Oh yes, my friends. And the cover chicken was sporting a fab lime green scarf and beanie hat, complete with a pom pom. My two most favorite cover articles were “Keep Fowl Feet Feeling Fine” and “Cold Chillin’: Winter Treats Make For Happy Hens”. It’s true that I am easily amused, but I thought it was one of the greatest things ever that there’s a big September edition of Chickens Magazine…whether it be for chickens or fans of chickens, that’s just funny stuff.
     Is this sweater not to die for? It was one of my three scores during the Nordstrom Annual Sale. I love it…it’s lightweight so it can be layered over or under something, it’s soft and comfy and the colors are absolutely gorgeous. And it will work equally well with jeans. This is yet another skater skirt. No, I don’t have some rarely diagnosed skater skirt addiction. These skirts just rock, and when you find something that works you need to stock up. I didn’t own any navy blue skirts so this one was perfect to fill the void. I went with ankle boots because pumps or flats would be too expected. I’ve always gotta mix it up a little just to keep it interesting.

Linking up with:  Tres-chic Fashion Link UpWhat I Wore To WorkThrowback Thursday Link UpWorking Girl With StyleSpotlight Weekly Link UpPassion For Fashion Link UpWelcome To The Weekend Blog HopStyle Elixir’s Friday Fab FavoritesFashion Item Friday and Casual Friday Link Up.

Sweater: Nordstrom;  Skirt:;  Booties: JustFab

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Elegance and Mommyhood
10 years ago

Your floral skirt and emerald necklace are gorgeous. What a fun, pretty outfit!

10 years ago

Your floral skirt is so pretty, and I love the shoes!!

Bogi RedReticule
10 years ago

Such a fun and playful look! Love your floral printed top.
Red Reticule

J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all
10 years ago

I LOVE fall fashion magazines! I am crushing over your floral top and those strapy booties are adorable with the outfit! Happy Thursday!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

A chicken magazine. Unbelievable.

Love that sweater!


M @ My Closet Catalogue
10 years ago

Perfection! How come I haven’t got this skirt in navy?! Oh, 90-DAy Spending Fast – thou art a harsh mistress! That sweater…yum! Wish I’d paid more attention to the sale when it was happening…

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I love love this outfit Deb! And OMG I am crackin up over the Chicken Magazine. I can see some hen in the summer months sporting shades and fanning herself with her chicken wings, ha! And that is ok, I am equally eaisly amused! THis sweater is up my alley with a vintage look and I love roses. THe skirt looks great on you ,and I am in the market for some burgundy booties, but have a hard time finding ones with one inch heel. Yours are perfect! 5 Clucks 🙂
from the link up
please stop by, jess

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

This top is stunning – I love that it’s great for all and it’s got such pretty colors in it. I love your story about this chicken magazine…who knew they have such specialized magazines.

Thank you so much for joining the link up and hope to see you next week too.


Funky Wellies
10 years ago

Lovely outfit and fab necklace. 🙂

Marta C
10 years ago

Such a super cute look! Totally in love with your floral sweater-so pretty.

Clairejustine oxox
10 years ago

Lovely outfit Debbie, great top. The colours are perfect 🙂

Thanks for linking up


Tiffany Opp
10 years ago

Love that floral top, so pretty! It looks great with the skater skirt and booties.

Beata B
9 years ago

Love the outfit ! Debbie ! Your floral sweater is beautiful 🙂 have a lovely weekend 🙂 x

9 years ago

I really love that sweater and those boots! 🙂


Jan Graham-McMillen
9 years ago

Haaaaaaa! Chicken style … well, okay! Something for everyone in September, right. Hey, wait a minute. Do you think they’re making fun of us?
So cute, this sweater, and you are quite right in your estimation of that sweater. Pretty especially on you, and I can’t say how much I love the booties. Looking brilliant, Debbie! (And that skirt isn’t looking bad, either, kid!)

Mica T
9 years ago

those boots do look great with the skater skirt! 🙂

And I had a good giggle at the chicken magazine – how fun must it be to work for a publication like that! 🙂

Away From The Blue

9 years ago

That sweater just pulls me in!!!! Nordstrom really should have asked you to model/photograph it for them. You have really showed off how awesome it is, whereas their photos are kind of blah.


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