Delia's / denim boyfriend shorts / graphic tee / gray moto jacket / leopard print slip-ons / Levis / nude sandals / Old Navy / statement necklace / sweatshirt moto jacket / Tilly's

The Titus Butterfly: Moto Jacket, Graphic Tee And Denim Shorts

     No, the Titus butterfly is not some newly discovered species of exotic butterfly. It’s actually a little story about your standard orange and black monarch. And a dog. A very special dog. Those of you who are dog lovers and have had dogs as part of your family know that even though you love each and every one of them, there’s always that one special dog. In my world that would be Titus, the best dog ever. For those of you with extra special observational skills you might have noticed the tattoo on my right ankle says “Titus” with a paw print and a monarch butterfly. That print is Titus’s actual real paw print. I won’t go into the whole story, but suffice it to say he died at the young age of eight of kidney failure.
     I cannot tell you how utterly heartbroken I was. I sat outside for hours sobbing and consuming a few adult beverages. When out of nowhere, a monarch butterfly showed up and fluttered all around my head. This in itself was strange because we don’t see too many of those in my neck of the woods. But then it landed on my hand. And just sat there, slowly flexing it’s wings up and down. After a minute or so it simply flew away. Since I’m not a Disney princess who often has birds and butterflies twittering around her, I knew that that butterfly was my boy coming to tell me he was okay and that he loved me. Ever since then, once a summer, a monarch comes and either flutters around me or my husband and usually lands on one of us. I always say, “I love you Titus!” when it happens and the butterfly goes on it’s way. Well, Sunday was Titus Butterfly day and I wanted to share the story with you guys. Some people might say that’s insane, but I don’t care. I know what I know. And that’s good enough for me.
     Now on to lighter fare…Yes, I know. The speakers on the boom box aren’t exactly well placed. Or maybe they are, depending on what look you’re going for. I still love the tee though, the boom box just cracks me up because it’s weird and random. Saturday morning when I wore this, it was cool out so the jacket was needed. I love that it’s a moto jacket, but it’s also a sweatshirt…that’s a pretty cool two-fer if you ask me. I threw the sandals on just to show you that this outfit would work if you were going out for the evening just as well as it did with slip ons running to Lowe’s and then getting tires put on your car. How’s that for a little variety?

Linking up with:  Stylish TuesdayStyle Sessions Fashion Link Up and Trend Spin Link Up.

     Tee: Delia’s (No longer available);  Shorts: Levis (Old);  Jacket: Walmart (Old);  Sneakers: Tilly’s (No longer available);  Sandals: Old Navy
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10 years ago

The outfit looks great with both the skaters and sandals…love the shorts!

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Anne
10 years ago

Thank you Anne.

Busola Coutts
10 years ago

Wow, what an interesting and touching story. I have had dogs and never taken their deaths well so i get it. Well i am glad you found a way to find comfort.

You look great. Really cute tee and fun look.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Busola Coutts
10 years ago

Thanks so much!

10 years ago

You are totally inspiring me with the sneakers! I’ve been trying to decide how else to wear mine. I love the two options – dressed up and down. Those shoes are Old Navy? Shocking!!
Nikki at

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Nikki
10 years ago

Aren’t they great? And yes, the sandals are from Old Navy..

Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

I love both shoes, and you did remind me how much I need a pedicure. 🙂 I have a similar pair of shoes from Sam Eldeman. Love the top and the moto jacket looks great on you.
from the link up, jess
please stop by

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Jessica Jannenga
10 years ago

Thanks so much Jess!

Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

I adored the story about Titus. How lovely. Bought tears to my eyes.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Suzanne Carillo Style Files
10 years ago

Teared me up writing about it. Thank you. 🙂

Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

The story of Titus and the butterfly gave me chills, Hon. I totally believe that was a special sign just for you. Wow …
Such a cute outfit. Love your casual wearable looks. Keep it up!
Dawn Lucy

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Dawn Lucy
10 years ago

Thank you Dawn

Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

That is such a sweet story about Titus and the monarch butterflies. I really like your moto jacket, can’t believe it’s sweatshirt material.


Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Happiness at Mid Life
10 years ago

Thanks Alice. Yes, I was super excited when I happened upon the jacket on clearance…I have a black one too. 🙂

10 years ago

I love leopard print. Also I am really loving your top because the print is super fabulous.

Debbie Stinedurf
Reply to  Imogen
10 years ago

Isn’t the boom box too awesome?!

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