What might the benefit be to returning to middle school you might be wondering? Umm…a smaller ass. Yes, folks it’s true. Returning to the middle school had given me the gift of a shrinking butt; well actually it’s an even, all over shrinking, but to me most noticeably my ass. Is middle school the weight loss secret we’ve all been searching for? Not so much. It’s more an absence of candy dishes ripe for the picking and the addition of stairs. I do lots of running up and down stairs all day long and even if there were a candy dish lurking about I really don’t have time to partake. So the secret is really what we all know it to be…less crap in and more calories out. I have like zero willpower which is why I rarely buy junk food, so if there is a candy dish (and I mean a good one with mini Snickers and whatnot) I cannot keep my greedy little paws out of it. Fortunately, that’s no longer an issue.
Yes, this is yet another skater skirt from BooHoo (see the pink one here and black here). I wasn’t kidding when I said I have it in five colors. I love, love, love them. Since I’m short they are the perfect length for me~just above the knee. In light of the fact it is definitely heading into Fall, I thought a little plaid was in order. If you’ve been around since last Fall/Winter you know there’s a lot more of that headed your way. I wore the denim jacket just to keep away the hint of chill this morning, but oddly enough it was so cool in the building that I actually wore it until after lunch. Weird, considering my nose melted off of my face in there Friday.
Linking up with: Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Confident Twosday, Trend Spin Link Up, Monday Bloom, Random Wednesday’s At Because Shanna Said So, Style Me Wednesday, Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, Hump Day Blog Hop, Get Your Pretty On: I Feel Pretty Blog Hop and Tremendous Tuesday.