Work Style

Tie Front Wrap Pants & Sweater: Uniquely Perfect

eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.

Crows feet, stretch marks, freckles, scars, a wide nose, a wide booty…all of these can be perceived as flaws or imperfections if you will…


…But are they really? I say no, no they are not. The list of things that are considered “imperfections” both by the fashion/beauty/advertising world and by ourselves is endless. While I am not going to attempt to feed you a line of bull by telling you that I love all of my flaws, I will tell that I have at least learned to live with the ones that I don’t love. And yes, some of them I have actually grown to love.

Here’s the funny thing about our imperfections…they are the very thing that make each and every one of us uniquely perfect. For example, there is not another living person on the planet who has my grandmother’s slightly chubby nose with the exact constellation of freckles sprinkled across it that I have. Nor is there another human with a small crescent shaped scar on their forehead acquired when they were about 3 years old while bouncing on the bed, going airborne and hitting a nightstand. And the stretch marks all over my hips and thighs? A gift from my son while I was growing him inside my body.

See what I mean? Not only are your imperfections uniquely yours, so many of them tell a story. A story of a life well-lived and lessons learned; a story as individual and personal as your fingerprint. Honestly, how can you not love them? They are yours and yours alone. They are a visible reminder of things that you might have otherwise forgotten. Those crows feet around your eyes are there to gently remind you of years of laughter and perhaps a few tears. The scars? Reminders of battles won. The too high forehead? It gives you the opportunity to see a little bit of your mom every time you look in the mirror.

So maybe instead of being too hard on yourself for your perceived imperfections, you should view them as little reminders of who you are and where you’ve been. Imperfections are reminders that you aren’t imperfect, but instead uniquely perfectly you.


When it comes to fashion, I’m drawn to the quirky and unexpected. When I laid eyes on these ruffled tie front wrap pants (unfortunately they are currently out of stock) from eShakti I knew that they were made for me. And I mean that quite literally. If you are unfamiliar with eShakti, their pieces can either be ordered using standard sizing or they can be customized using your exact measurements. That is an awesome option, especially for us elfin-sized girls when it comes to pants and maxi skirts.

I ordered the pants cropped, but obviously on this particular day boots were required so unfortunately you can’t see the hemline. The pants are actually jogger style so the hemline is elasticized. The fabric is a cotton/spandex jersey so it’s not only forgiving, but comfortable too. I’m totally loving the whole “is it pants or is it a skirt” dichotomy. I’ve been known to layer dresses/skirts over jeans so it’s just super cool that this piece comes with the layering already done for me. I can’t wait to style them with a graphic tee and strappy sandals once Spring rolls back around so the cropped jogger pants are totally visible.


If you have the opportunity to have pieces tailored specifically for you, do it! There’s nothing like a piece of clothing arriving in the mail and having it fit perfectly right out of the box.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater. eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater. eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater. eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater. eShakti wrap skirt pants and off the shoulder sweater.

Skirt/Pants: c/o eShakti; Sweater: NA-KD;  Boots: ASOS (Similar)

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6 years ago

Love the sentiment in this post, Debbie And your your sense of style that just says “you,”

Jodie filogomo
6 years ago

Your perspective is absolutely refreshing, Debbie!! In fact, I hope we pass this down to the younger generations, so they won’t be so “scared” of growing older. Because scars happen, and they really are part of us. I can’t tell you how much I wish I had realized this sentiment when I was young and a tanning crazed person… skin is paying for it now. At this stage of the game, I embrace my pale skin. Not that I don’t wish for some melanin in it, but this is me, and I’m glad I’m still in one piece. Those pants… Read more »

6 years ago

I love the combination of colors and the originality of your skirt.

Suzy Turner
6 years ago

What a brilliant post, Debbie. I love how you explain how to love your imperfections – something that is so important!
And that skirt / pants combo is simply divine. So unique!
Suzy xx

6 years ago

Ahhhh yes, making peace with imperfections, a daily job I tell you! Somedays are better than others but overall the older I’ve gotten the more at home I feel in my own skin. Especially as I turn 50 in a few months – I really like everything about myself now more than I did when I was younger. The gift of age I suppose.
Your outfit is just stunning! Such a cool look and the snow if the perfect backdrop!

6 years ago

Great read, Debbie. We don’t have to love all our flaws, as you said, but we have to accept our whole package, in order to be happy. I’ve been scouring the nets for these skirt-pants, and alas eShakti is sold out! You look gorgeous! xox


6 years ago

That *is* truly a unique skirt! Almost as unique as YOU, scars, freckles, stretch marks and all!


6 years ago

Thank you for this wonderful encouraging reminder, Debbie, because we all do have our good and bad points. We all do, even those who look like they don’t!

6 years ago

I love your style! Great post and blog!

Robin LaMonte
6 years ago


I love how you embrace who you are and accept the good and the flawed parts.
I do too.
But friend, those pants!!!
You do find the most interesting clothes dear friend!


Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Wow I never knew there were skirt wrap pants – they are rather wonderful! You wear them very well x

jess jannenga
6 years ago

Debbie, I am with you! some times I look and think, boy you have a sharp jaw.. other times i go, so what? I broke my jaw when i was 8, and remember that time in my life. I love the pants/skirt.. so cool! at first i saw a flowing skirt until you mentioned the pants. I love how unique they are and the style !Cobalt is a great color on you!
thanks for linking!
jess xx

Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

Girl you look good in blue! I love this post. I too have come to accept my flaws. I definitely have no plans to change them, fill them in, or erase them! It is what it is! I have to admit I am less accepting when a beach trip is in the near future! Remembering when I had a 5’8″, 125 lb body, that was made for swimsuits! Oh well…. Like I said…it is what it is! xo Cindy

6 years ago

Lovely post-Debbie. I use to hate my stretch marks but love them now as I realised they are all from my children 🙂

Lovely outfit, Love your skirt/pants so unique 🙂 Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up. Hope you can join me today 🙂

Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
6 years ago

Popping back to say thanks so much for joining in with #FabulousFriday – and I love your message about imperfections! x

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