It seems like not a day goes by now that we don’t hear or see something about getting back to “normal”…
…Whether it’s images that we see and stories that we hear in the media or situations that we experience in our real lives, it appears that “normal” or at least the appearance of “normal” is all that matters. The gradual reopening of the states has lulled some into believing that the old normal is now a thing again, however that time has passed and there is no turning back.
Even in the best of times normal is a societal construct, an illusion really. In hindsight, I don’t believe that the old normal was really anything to be proud of, but even so, it’s a dream that so many are currently aspiring to. It feels to me like that particular genie has been released from the bottle and putting it back in just isn’t going to happen. Attempting to live our lives as if the world is as it was at the start of 2020 is simply an exercise in futility.
Over the last several weeks, this wise bit of reflection has popped up in my social media feeds several times:
In my opinion, it really gets to the heart of it all. While this year has been a never ending hot mess…seriously, so freakin’ much has happened that do you even remember that Australia was literally on fire, World War III almost started and Kim Jong Un apparently died and then rose from the dead a few weeks later??? This shit has literally all happened in the last six months in addition to Earth being closed for business due to the ongoing pandemic and the largest civil rights movement in the history of the world! This year has been unlike any other in human history and we’re only six months into it my friends. And those of us in the United States still have to survive what is going to be the most contentious presidential election since the country was founded. But these are the very reasons that the poetic words above make so damn much sense.
We as humans have been shaken to our very cores; the entire planet to varying degrees is simultaneously going through the same thing. The very institutions upon which our societies are built, the belief systems in which we’ve lived until now, the arrogance with which we went about our daily lives just expecting to have our needs met…all of this has been drug out into the harsh light of day and we have no choice but to examine it all. And we need to. The the universe has already set the changes in motion and it is now our responsibility to follow through. There is no going back to the old normal.
No longer knowing for certain what is safe or what is right can be immobilizing, but we need to work through that fear and do what needs to be done. It now seems as if I am uncomfortable in my own skin every second of the day, but, and this is a big BUT, that is not necessarily a bad thing. The discomfort comes not only from the uncertainty, more than that, it comes from the internal changes. It comes from a huge and much needed bout of serious self-examination, as well as the realization that no matter how much you plan LIFE IS MESSY.
With all of that being said, adjusting to and thriving in this new world takes some work even for the most resilient among us. I have found the following strategies to be helpful with the adjustment…
Tips for Navigating the New Normal:
- Adjust your expectations. This to me, is a big one. If I have learned nothing else since March it is this…the only thing that you can expect is the unexpected. The key is to change your mindset around what your expectations are. Learn to embrace the unknown and experience each day, hell, each moment, as it comes with no expectation that tomorrow the world will be the same as it was today.
- Develop a new routine/schedule. While I realize that this sounds counterintuitive based upon my first tip, routines are necessary to the human psyche. To a certain extent our brains crave structure. We need to have at least a minimal idea in regard to how our day will look so that our brain isn’t constantly struggling to figure it out. It’s true that we are a part of the bigger world changes, however we can add some stability to our individual lives through routines.
- Take “me breaks” each day. For me that is having my morning coffee outside or writing in my journal. Whatever a “me break” looks like for you, do that.
- If you don’t already, start journaling. Truly one of the best ways to both clarify your thinking and rewire your brain is through writing. Get yourself a pretty journal, notebook, planner…whatever and just start writing. Don’t overthink it and don’t write it for anyone but yourself. Personally I like to free write, but if you find it easier to use prompts try a few of these: “I am grateful for…”, “Today I smiled because…”, “The highlight of my day was…”
- Don’t forget the importance of human connection. No matter how it looks for you right now, connect with your people. If you live in an area where doing that in person (while maintaining safety precautions of course) is an option do that. If not, Zoom, Google Meet or Facetime are all excellent options. Humans are social animals and we need that connection to maintain our sanity.
- Celebrate anything that makes you happy. And I mean anything. Not just the obvious like birthdays or anniversaries. Celebrate the birth of the baby birds in your backyard tree, celebrate the fact you didn’t spill your coffee down the front of your white shirt…whatever, just celebrate it!
Tell me, what are your thoughts on the new normal?
How freakin’ cute are these Bzees Dainty Woven Sandals? Not only are they cute, but they are so so comfortable and a super easy way to dress up even the most basic shorts and tank top look, and speaking of easy, did you know that Bzees are machine washable? Yep, you read that right…machine washable. So there’s no worries when your pretty white wedge gets covered in river mud. Maybe that’s just me, but you get the picture.
The rest of the look is just my basic summer formula. Denim shorts (with the prerequisite ridiculous amount of shredding) paired with a pretty tank top and finished off with a kimono. In this case the lace kimono is actually a swimsuit cover up, but is there really any difference? I am an equal opportunity shorts wearer…I like ’em longer and I like ’em shorter like this pair that I shared awhile back. Today though I went with my favorite pair of bermuda shorts because that happened to be what I was in the mood for, however this look would’ve worked just as well with a shorter pair.
I know that many women prefer their shorts on the longer side, so I’ve included a few cute bermuda shorts options that are not in the least bit frumpy. To be sure that your longer shorts don’t veer off into the realm of frumpy make sure that they hit above the knee, be wary of elastic waists and polyester, and pair them with a cool stylish shoe.
Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…
Sandals: c/o Bzees; Shorts: American Eagle (Similar); Kimono: JCPenney (Similar); Top: JCPenney (Similar)
**Sandals provided c/o Bzees. All opinions, as always, are my own.