cable knit sweater / moto boots / Old Navy / plaid infinity scarf / target / tulle skirt

Tulle Skirt, Cable Knit Sweater & Moto Boots: Light On The Words

This week’s posts are going to be a little light on the verbal entertainment end of the spectrum. I’ve only got until next Wednesday to get my new program up and running at school,  so a lot of my time needs to be devoted to real life work for the time being. I would miss my blog and all of you lovelies too much to not post though. So with that being said, I’ll try to keep you entertained with some fab outfits and I’ll be squirreling away the amusing stories for later.

I put this look together after being inspired by a suggestion I saw in this month’s InStyle magazine in regard to pairing a cable knit sweater with a floaty skirt. I’ve been itching to bust out the tulle skirt for awhile now and this was the perfect opportunity. Of course I had to pair it with the tougher moto boots to add a bit of edge to it because what fun would it be if I went all girly on you guys?

Linking up with: Confident Twosday, Celebrate Southern Link Up, Tremendous Tuesday, Trend Spin Link Up, Style Sessions Fashion Link Up, Random Wednesdays At Because Shanna Said So, Style Me Wednesday, I Feel Pretty, Wednesday Blog Hop.

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Skirt: Amazon;  Boots: Target;  Sweater: Old Navy (Old);  Scarf: Target (Old)


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9 years ago

I have always loved this look Debbie, but haven’t been brave enough to try it. Love the colours too. Good luck with your programme, I too have to juggle a lot and find it hard sometimes, soldier on we will though!
Laurie x

9 years ago

Loving this winter white look! Those boots give it a nice edge!

Doused In Pink

Dawn Lucy
9 years ago

Love this look! I haven’t tried tulle yet, but I sure do love it with the boots. It does add a bit of tough chick to the girly girl look. Good luck at work this week! My new Friday link up just wouldn’t be any fun without a little Fashion Fairy Dust, so please stop by!
Dawn Lucy

9 years ago

Cute! Mixing feminine and masculine pieces always works. The masculine tend to emphasize the femininity of the girl-clothes in an attractive way. You achieve that here.

9 years ago

Hello Debbie! I love, love, love this look! I have a soft spot for skirts (all types) but the tulle skirt will always have a place in my heart. Growing up I always dreamed about wearing tulle skirts. I wanted to be in ballet classes just to wear a tutu but my parents couldn’t afford paying for the classes. It wasn’t until later in my life, and I am talking about a few months ago that I finally decided to wear a tulle skirts for one of my posts and you have no idea how happy I was. You look… Read more »

Linda Cassidy
9 years ago

I really want a tulle skirt, thats it…. love this

Happiness at Mid Life
9 years ago

I want a tulle skirt but not sure I would have much opportunity to wear it. It would not fly at my office. I love how you toughen up the look!


9 years ago

Great outfit featuring winter white! You wear it so well!

Suz @ 2 cats & chloe
9 years ago

I love everything about this outfit! The chunky sweater, the flowy skirt, the scarf and boots! LOVE LOVE LOVE! As always, Thanks for joining the Celebrate Southern Linkup! Pinning this!

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