sandals / style tips / t-shirt / tee / tee shirt / tulle skirt

Tulle Skirt & Camo Tee Shirt: The Big Day


how to style a tulle skirt

Well friends, this is it. The day that kids and teachers eagerly await…


…Yep, it’s the last day of school. Wait, whaaattt??? I swear to God it feels like the first day was just last week. I’ve lamented before about the speed at which life seems to go by the older you get. I believe it’s exacerbated by the fact that I work in public education. We literally live and die by the calendar. The start of the school year, the end of the school year, midquarter grades, quarter grades, Christmas break, the PSSA testing window, etc. etc. The lives of teachers revolve entirely around the passage of time. Hence, I feel like that makes the time go by more quickly when we’re so focused on the next important date on the school calendar.

While I am looking forward to the luxury of sleeping later and getting things done at my own pace, I know that by about three weeks into June I’ll be over it. I get bored; not for lack of things to do mind you. I just kind of start missing work. And I absolutely despise not knowing what damn day it is. Yes, I know…look at a calendar dummy. But I mean waking up in the morning and thinking, “Oh, it’s Tuesday,” when in actuality it’s Saturday.

I know, there are people out there thinking, “Awww…you poor baby. You get to sleep in, do what you want and still get a paycheck. Sucks to be you.” True to a certain extent, but hey, don’t hate on me because I chose a career with some pretty sweet perks. I actually love my job and enjoy going to work. And I like the routine. In all honesty though, teachers (at least those of us who do our job right) really and truly do need a chunk of time off to regroup and recharge. Don’t believe me? Go out and round up about 25 twelve and thirteen year olds (or in my case twelve of them, but with a wide range of special needs). Then shut yourself in a room with them for 7 1/2 hours and during that entire time keep them entertained, well-behaved, and while you’re at it, teach them some stuff. Or maybe try it with a room full of six year olds who aren’t sure how to wipe their noses and can’t tie their shoes. Now repeat that over and over and over again for 183 days. And then have the state test them to see exactly how much you taught them while you were keeping them entertained and well behaved. Do you need a few months off yet? I’m not complaining nor am I looking for a pat on the back. That’s just the reality of it and sometimes that gets forgotten in the flood of negativity that society gets caught up in.


When I realized the other day that this was the last week of school, I figured I had better bust out a tulle skirt for one last go round because my summer doesn’t involve a whole lot of tulle wearing. Whenever I wear one of my tulle skirts, I always pair it with something a little more boyish or tough. In this case the camo tee shirt and men’s leather belt did the trick. This was especially important because the sandals are definitely super feminine too so the top half had to tone down the sugar on the bottom half. **Side note: the skirt is actually ivory/cream colored. It has a greenish tint in some of the shots because of the shady spot I was standing in…


A tulle skirt is another one of those items that aren’t necessarily the most flattering figure wise. They are super pretty and feminine in my opinion, but they do tend to make your hips look like the broad side of a barn. A very fancy girly barn, but a barn nonetheless. Even a tulle skirt that isn’t floofy will add size. All of my tulle skirts lay pretty flat and the tulle is drapey as opposed to stiff, but the fluffy look is part of the deal. Adding a belt is important for some definition and shape; or you can knot a shirt at the waist like I did here for the same effect. Speaking of tops, whatever top you choose needs to be more fitted as to play down the volume of the skirt. And as I said above, it’s also good idea to add something masculine or maybe edgy like ankle boots or a moto jacket.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals

tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals tulle skirt, camo tee shirt, metallic sandals

Skirt: Amazon (Similar);  Tee: Similar;  Sandals: JCPenney

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8 years ago

Happy last day! Love the skirt!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

Oh, you crack me up—a barn???
Why don’t we say you look like a woman with fantastic hips? Really—it makes your hourglass figure shine!!
Love the yin/yang of the skirt with the camo tee!!

8 years ago

Enjoy the change in your work-routine. Love the skirt!

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

You look adorable! I would like a house in this…not a barn, a small house even, but a house nonetheless! Anyway, pat yourself on the back for another year completed and know that there are many people out here who appreciate what teachers do and recognize the struggle and the need for two months off (I’m not a teacher either saying this and my kids aren’t in school yet either). You get a bad rap sometimes, but you are appreciated! Enjoy your time off!


8 years ago

Yea, Deb!! Schools summer…rock on Alice ! Was my favorite anthem even enjoying my job. Take the time to unwind and relax! I know about recharging when I taught.
Love the,contrast, the camo kick butt and the ballerina sweet tulle skirt, speaks to both sides.
Enjoy the weekend xx

8 years ago

I hear ya! I’ve only been in my current position for about 4 months, but after 4 months of dealing almost exclusively with one incredibly defiant student, about 10 others with special needs, and another 15 students (yes, in the same classroom), I’m ready for a break, too! Only 2 more days for me, but I’ve lined up a nannying gig so I don’t get bored!
I have to give you super props for the camo and tulle combo here! Love the masculine/feminine vibe!
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Megan Ballard
8 years ago

I don’t know if I am ready for school to be over. LOL. I love this skirt. You look great. xo ~ Megan The Fashionista Momma

8 years ago

Cheers to summer break! This has to be one of my favorite outfits on you! Love how you styled your tulle skirt!

Doused In Pink

Anna Parkes
8 years ago

Congrats on getting to summer break and the perks therein. You deserve a lie in and anything else you fancy. We all earn our perks and should never have to justify them. I keep seeing tulle skirts, which makes me think that I must be due to buy one. I’m sure they’ve been around for ages, but it’s only recently that I’ve begun to notice. them. Yours looks slim enough to be pretty but not too pouffy to give you elephant hips. The ploy of camo top and tough belt are clever styling too. Love this look on you Debbi… Read more »

8 years ago

Teachers are the best! (my sister is one too). And your outfit is so chic – you know I adore a tulle skirt. Thanks for linking, xo


Heather Beasley
8 years ago

I love love love the camo tshirt with the tulle skirt! I have the exact tulle skirt in my closet – and have always struggle with what to wear with it. Now I know. So THANK YOU!

8 years ago

Fabulous way to style a tulle skirt! I love the mix of hard and soft. I do believe every time I’ve worn any of my tulle skirts I’ve gone with this same method so as to not be too saccharine. I’ve never gone the camo route, which I think is really cool. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Hope to see you back next week.

Jennie – A Pocketful of Polka Dots

8 years ago

Whoo lovely, last day! My kids still have around 6 weeks left.

Love your shirt Debbie, I have one in blue 🙂

Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

Michelle Orsi
8 years ago

Obsessed with this outfit. Pairing it with a camo tee was a great way to dress down the tulle

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