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Tulle Skirt & Cowboy Boots: A Reflection Of Who You Are

Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.

One of the benefits of getting older is the wisdom that one gains from all of our life experiences and life lessons…


…Even though we possess that hard earned wisdom though, sometimes we still get burned. The thing is, sometimes knowledge will only get you so far. Wisdom doesn’t take into account our feelings and emotions. Nor does it take into account the unpredictability of people.

I’ve talked before about my rather awful difficult childhood. I don’t regret it, as it has made me who I am and that for the most part, is a good thing. I probably learned more life lessons before I was 18 than most people do in a lifetime. One of the most difficult, and perhaps most important, was to be wary of people. Some might view that as a bad thing, but for me it has always been a survival skill. Like a feral dog, I typically have the ability to sniff out those who are untrustworthy and fake; those who present themselves as one thing when really they are something else entirely.

Every once in awhile though, one will slip past my radar. Blame it on emotions or maybe that tiny nugget of the naive little girl still hidden in the dark recesses of my psyche that wants to believe that people are good and can be trusted . Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that all people can’t be trusted. I am saying that one has to be selective in regard to whom one trusts. Yes, getting hurt is part of being alive, but (at least for me) there’s no reason to set yourself up for it. Hence the reason I’m very selective in regard to who I allow into my circle of trust.

Few things are more painful than when I’ve allowed someone in only to find out out that my people reading skills have failed me. Not only has the person hurt me, but I’m also disappointed in myself. It kicks up all sorts feelings and self-doubt that I long ago learned were not only unwarranted, but simply wrong. I have to work through not only the loss of someone that I thought was a friend, but I also have to talk down all of the negative voices from the past.

I’m not whining, nor am I looking for sympathy. I’m simply pointing out that regardless of how old we are or how wise we think we are, we can still be hurt. People can still take advantage of us for their own selfish reasons. People can still treat us badly when we have done nothing to deserve it.

The difference is we are old enough to know that even though it may hurt, even though we may feel used, it is a reflection on that person, not on us. Not on who we are, not on our intelligence or intuitiveness. Age gives us the wisdom to realize these things along with the ability to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and get on with our lives…a little more banged up perhaps, but also a little wiser.


If I wear a skirt, a tulle skirt is definitely one of my favorite ways to go. I have tulle skirts in several colors; ivory, blue and pink to name a few. 99% of the time I pair them with something casual like a sweatshirt or tee shirt and oftentimes sneakers. I love the play of dressy girly girl against tomboy casual.

Today I went with a sweatshirt, albeit a dressier version and my cowboy boots. I’ve had the cowboy boots for years. They’re real leather and have reached that place in the life cycle of cowboy boots where they conform perfectly to my foot. I love them, and I don’t wear them often enough. I think they worked perfectly with the tulle; kind of a ballerina on the range vibe don’t you think.

If there’s a downside to a tulle skirt, it’s the width it adds to the hips depending upon how many layers of tulle there are. To nip that in a little I often add a belt like I did today. The floral embroidery was perfect with the burgundy tulle and gave the skirt a touch of definition.


Don’t worry that tulle skirts are too dressy for day. Simply pair your tulle skirt with more casual pieces like a sweatshirt, tee or denim. The shoes are up to you. If you want to play up the dressier vibe, go with heels. If you’re feeling casual stick to sneakers, ankle boots or even cowboy boots.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt. Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt. Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt. Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.Burgundy tulle skirt, cowboy boots and sweatshirt.

Skirt: Amazon (Similar);  Boots: Similar;  Sweatshirt: GAP (Similar);  Belt: Walmart (Similar)

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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
6 years ago

I think as much as we can tell a ton about others…I always say it’s a crap shoot!! People hide things well, and change! I stopped blaming myself only recently, because I can only control myself (except when it comes to shopping…ha ha)
Love the idea of adding in cowboy boots. I may try that with my pleated skirt. You are always full of great inspiration, Debbie!!

6 years ago




Cindy Scurry
6 years ago

PEOPLE! I’m constantly amazed as I am trusting – thinking everybody is like me. I know from experience they aren’t! But it’s not my first instinct. Love a tulle skirt!

Kellyann Rohr
6 years ago

Oh Debbie, I try to trust my people radar too and I usually know when to high tail it the hell away from someone because I cannot stand fake and I cannot stand catty girl behavior. Unfortunately for me I have a few family members who have really let me down big time this last year and I am having a super difficult time getting past it. Ugh, it just sucks. Relationships are hard. Anyhow, not to sound completely superficial but I love your tulle skirt with the boots! The color is so pretty and those boots are fabulous! xo,… Read more »

6 years ago

Sorry you dealt with this. We’ve all been there and growing from it doesn’t ease its sting. XX

6 years ago

I love how you styled your tulle skirt!

You’re right – crappy people aren’t a reflection of us, they’re just a random fluke and misjudgment. Generally, I feel that our gut feelings out people are usually right.

I hope you’ll add this pretty outfit to On Mondays We Link Up!

6 years ago

Sometimes I think we grew up the same person. Maybe we should call and talk sometime. I would really like it if you are up to it. Meanwhile, Your deep red tulle skirt and cowboy boots are speaking to me!

6 years ago

I am very similar to your Debbie. I do not often trust people because of how I was brought up. I was overprotected and learnt never to trust anyone. I can imagine what you must be going through when this has happened 🙁

Love you skirt Debbie, what a beautiful colour. Great boots too, I love cowboy boots

Thanks for sharing at The Wednesday Blog Hop, hope to see you tomorrow.

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