First, the reason for two different, but similar outfits. Friday I wore the overalls with the white tee and wedges. It was a fabulous outfit, but when I was leaving work I got caught in a thunderstorm and my hair was jacked. When I got home I decided to snap some shots anyway and at that time the sun decided to blast out from behind a cloud and totally washed out all the color from my fine shoes. Hence, the Instagram snap of the wedges. They needed to be seen, because seriously, those are some damn fine shoes. I wore the overalls again Sunday to go out for breakfast. When I did those shots for some reason they all came out kind of “eh”, so I decided I would just combine the two. There you have it.
Now on to the overalls. I gotta say I was pretty pleased when they got trendy. Why? Because I needed to find a pair to replace the one’s I had gotten rid of. And I just wasn’t feelin’ the Dickies working on the farm version at Tractor Supply. The pair I had were old and just didn’t fit quite how I wanted so I finally parted with them last fall. But I so missed them. Again, why?
Well, overalls are a strange and magical piece of clothing. Kind of like the unicorn of the clothing world. I discovered this waaayyy back in high school. They are loose and comfy, giving you plenty of breathing room while still wearing jeans. Because they are loose, they are also cool and airy enough to wear when it’s warm outside…ready made ventilation on the sides. They look just as sweet with heels and a dressier top (which I did not know to do in high school) as they do with flats or sneaks. And oddly enough dudes dig ’em. From high school boys to grown men. I can’t explain it. They should be total man repellers, but no, they love them. Go figure. Boys are strange.
Linking up with: Creative Mondays Blog Hop, Mix It Monday and Monday Bloom.