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V-Neck Slouch Pullover & Lace Sundress: The Real New Year

olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots

Depending on the time of day that you’re reading this, I just might be at school getting my classroom back in order for a new school year and I’m pretty excited about that…


…I realize that January 1st is the official start of every new year, but to me, the first day of school has always felt like the real beginning of the year. There’s a tingling sense of anticipation in the air; a feeling of freshness and reinvention. You get the sense that the opportunity is there to start anew, and fabulous adventures are just around the corner.

And I’m not only talking about all things school related. Think about it for a minute. There always seems to be more buzz in regard to the Fall/Winter fashion collections and trends then there is for Spring/Summer. Getting dressed is just so much more fun in the Fall. And how about the fashion magazines? Any avid reader knows that the September edition of every magazine is the thickest, heaviest, juiciest most drool-worthy edition of the entire year.

The start of a new school year (or September for those of you not swept up in the world of education) brings with it the anticipation of all of the exciting things on the horizon; changing leaves, hayrides, Halloween, all things spiced pumpkin flavored and scented, Thanksgiving and the holiday season. Then comes January 1st. The New Year. And then what? Blah. Nothing exciting just around that corner. And by then the chilly perfect sweater weather Fall temperatures and pretty leaves have morphed into a never ending frigid Arctic tundra. Ew. Just ew. I don’t know about you, but I vote for September 1st as the new New Year.


My ongoing love of all things Grace & Lace continues unabated. When they asked me if I would like a little taste of their new Fall pieces, of course my response was, “Yes, please!” This olive v-neck slouch pullover was at the top of my list as was the little gem that I’ll be sharing with you tomorrow in a special bonus Thursday post.

Since I’m super pumped about the upcoming Fall season, I’ve been looking for ways to dress Fall-ish without melting in the swampland of humidity that is my current reality. The v-neck slouch pullover was perfect for this since it’s made with a lightweight open weave knit. Honestly the slouchiness (and you know I love me some slouchiness) of this sweater was crying out to be paired with my shredded boyfriend jeans. It was begging, seriously, I heard it. But it’s not quite cool enough for jeans so I had to say no. Only for now though, because how cute will it be with my boyfriends and a pair of combat boots? And once the temperatures become decidedly cooler, it will layer beautifully over a long sleeved tee or turtleneck. Top it with a toasty blanket scarf and I’ll be hayride ready.

Anyway, this lace sundress gave me the best of both seasons. It’s so light you don’t even know it’s there, buuuttt…the mustard yellow is about as “Fall” as color gets. Then pair the mustard yellow with olive green and you have a quintessential Fall color combo, but in an outfit that’s not too much for the heat of Summer. Speaking of olive, I’m a total sucker for just about anything in that color. But this v-neck slouch pullover also comes in Pearl, which is a beautiful light gray/taupe color so you have options. And it’s always good to have options, right? Be sure to stop by Grace & Lace and check out their Fall pieces; new items are showing up often.


Although the temperatures still say “Summer”, if you’re brain is saying “Fall” the easiest and coolest way to start easing into Fall style is through color. Choose items in the Fall palette like olive, mustard, burgundy and brown, but keep them lightweight as to avoid melting into a Fall-hued puddle. Nobody wants that.


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle bootsolive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle bootsolive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle bootsolive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots olive v-neck sweater, lace sundress, ankle boots

Sweater: c/o Grace & Lace;  Dress: Free People;  Boots: Aldo (Similar)

**Sweater received c/o Grace & Lace, but as always, all opinions are my own.

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8 years ago

I think that is a common feeling we teachers have 🙂 Loving this color combo!

8 years ago

I feel you on the real new year! I am many years out of school but fall always energizes me to read longer books, start new projects, and buy new ones and notebooks. This outfit is super-cute and the sweater will be so great with jeans.

Reply to  Elizabeth
8 years ago

New pens and notebooks. Darn typo!

Jodie filogomo
8 years ago

It’s funny how that back to school feeling never leaves you—even if you aren’t exactly in it….the memories it brings up and usually it affects your life somehow, someway!!
Love this sweater…it’s a sweater, but made for great ventilation!!

Shelbee on the Edge
8 years ago

Fabulous! Fabulous! Debbie, I am loving this look so much. I am so ready for fall. And you totally got me at boyfriend jeans and combat boots. Oh, you really are a blogger after my own heart, aren’t you!? Loving this. And YES to September 1 as the new new year!


8 years ago

I am loving your Fall palette. So pretty! 🙂

8 years ago

I am a teacher so I 100% get the New Year in September. As a teacher I too get my 1st day of school outfit all ready ahead of time. I am loving your mustard yellow dress. It completely reminds me of crisp fall morning, with the leaves all a beautiful yellow all around.

8 years ago

Deb, I love your photos! The close ups especially. These colors are like heaven to me! I love olive, mustard and all things fall colors. You look amazing, and those booties are sweet!
Thanks for linking up with Turning heads tuesday
jess xx

8 years ago

Stunning fall colorful outfit and I agree with you that the fall editions to magazines are definitely my favorite.
Thank you for linking up to “Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me”
Rachel xo

Happiness at Mid Life
8 years ago

Love the slouchy sweater with the dress!

Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


Petite Silver Vixen
8 years ago

I feel the same way! My new term of Pilates classes started back at the beginning of the month after a slow down in August and yes, it feels like the start of the year and I’m the daughter of a teacher too so it’s in my genes!
Great tip about choosing fall colours to get you in the mood without having to have the layers of Fall. Olive looks so good on you Debbie especially with your ravishing hair colour.

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