casual style / Work Style

Velvet Combat Boots & Lace Up Sweatshirt: M.V.P.

Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.

Sometimes a seemingly inconsequential moment comes along and you realize that it will become something that you will remember for the rest of your life…


…A moment so inherently good and so beautiful that it takes your breath away. Who knew that one such moment would occur at a middle school dodgeball tournament?

The last day before Christmas break, we have a tradition at the middle school; the Homeroom Dodgeball Tournament…the importance of which I cannot emphasize enough. The first day of school the kids are already buzzing about who is in their homeroom that may be of benefit to them at the dodgeball tournament in December. As the date nears, the very important business of coming up with team names and team shirt designs dominates conversation.

This year I had enough kids in my homeroom to have our own team; in the past we’ve had to join up with other rooms. My kids were pumped and excited. Beforehand we talked a lot about how winning/losing isn’t necessarily important. The goal is simply to have fun and enjoy the experience.

Did we win? Nope. Did magic happen? Yes. Yes it did.

I have a student who is a) very tiny…as in I bet he’s lucky if he weighs 80 pounds soaking wet, and b) has a prosthetic leg. But my little man, he has the speed and agility of a ninja.

Our very first game, all of my kids got knocked out within a few minutes. My little ninja man? I honestly don’t know the words to tell this properly. He lasted, on his own, at the low end, another 5 minutes. There was a full team on the other side, with boys twice his size, throwing ball after ball at him.

He would duck, dive, roll and jump back up…and then egg the other team on by making “C’mon…get me” motions with his hands. And this was some true swagger…here is this tiny 6th grade boy in front of the entire middle school just hammin’ it up. The balls would start flying again and he was immediately on the move. Then the chanting started. The entire gymnasium was chanting his name and cheering him on. When finally, he did get hit and was running off the floor to sit with our team, all of the kids along the way were lined up high-fiving him.

When it was all said and done, my man was chosen as the first ever M.V.P. of the Homeroom Dodgeball Tournament. When the superintendent presented him with an all season pass to get in to all sporting events free, you would’ve thought he won a million dollars. It was a beautiful thing my friends.

If you ever have a moment of doubt in regard to the overall goodness of the current generation of kids, stop and try to picture what went on in that one small town middle school gym the day before Christmas break…that alone just might restore your faith in humanity.


You guys…This. Sweatshirt. If you can, I suggest snapping up one (or even multiples) right now. It comes in five colors/prints and it is one of the softest most comfortable sweatshirts that I own. I’m a huge fan of all things lace-up, and I love that the lace-up detail on this one is a solid continuous lace…it doesn’t actually tie. This particular top was a a Christmas gift from my love, as were the fabulous velvet combat boots. I also have the top in camo (shocking, I know) and I’ve already worn them both multiple times.

Let’s talk about the velvet combat boots shall we. I’ve been crushing on them for quite awhile now, so I was beyond excited when my husband had them waiting for me under the tree. I was always a little wary of velvet shoes/boots, but happily the snow didn’t affect them in the least. The cool thing about them is the gray velvet has an iridescent quality; they almost look as if they’re changing colors when you move. They’re gorgeous and the gray color makes them super versatile. I can’t wait to pair them with something dressier like a skirt or dress.

I finished the outfit off with my white jeans. Funny thing, for some reason I seem to wear my white jeans more in the Winter months than I do Spring/Summer. Maybe it’s the subconscious rebel in my head whispering, “You’re not supposed to wear white jeans in the Winter…so do it!”


White jeans are always a good idea. There is nowhere in the world, that I am aware of, that you will be arrested, fined, publicly shamed or otherwise punished for wearing white after Labor Day. Fashion is supposed to be fun, not something dictated by ridiculous archaic rules that make absolutely no sense. If white jeans in the snow make you happy, then go for it!


Check out the weekly link ups I participate in for even more fashion and style ideas…

Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans. Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans. Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans. Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans. Velvet combat boots, purple lace up sweatshirt and white jeans.

Sweatshirt: JCPenney;  Boots: Target;  Jeans: Old Navy (Similar);  Cami: H&M (Similar)

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6 years ago

Love, love, love this story! I work at a community college and I find it so beautiful when I see these interactions. Everyone around changes for the better.

6 years ago

a) I LOVE THAT STORY!!! We have a little fellow here that sort of sounds like your guy (but younger) so in my mind’s eye he’s who I pictured and I LOVE THAT STORY!!!


c) Your flaming red hair in that snow. Just stop it.

I can’t even stay here. It’s too much wonderfulness.


Lazy Daisy Jones
6 years ago

Hi Debbie found you via Catherine from not lamb’s link up!
What a heart warming story!

Re the outfit Im loving lilac this year so am admiring that sweat shirt too!
Fab pics and great to ‘meet you’

bestest wishes
Ashley x

6 years ago

Aww, what a lovely story Debbie 🙂

Who never sen velvet boots before, love these. Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop, hope to see you tomorrow.

6 years ago

Fabulous story! So heartwarming and definitely one of those moments you’ll always remember. Thanks for sharing it with us, I felt like I was in the gym watching it all unfold. I’d love to hear him tell his family about it and how he must have felt when everyone was chanting his name!
Oh those boots are terrific! Thank goodness the snow hasn’t hurt them, such a stylish take on a combat boot!

Shelbee on the Edge
6 years ago

Outfit first: Brilliant as always! I love white jeans in winter and the pastels against the snow are perfection. And of course you needed those velvet combat boots because they are freaking fabulous! I have a pair of knee high velvet combat boots but am definitely hankering for some short ones like these! Story second: I laughed until I cried. I laughed because I felt like I was watching the end of the movie Dodgeball and because I didn’t know that there were actual real life dodgeball tournaments anywhere. I cried because what an amazing heartfelt response from the entire… Read more »

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